Getting Methamphetamine Out Of Your System In 48 Hrs
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Hi. I had methamphetamine on fri 31/10/14 at 4pm. I have a urine test on mon 3/11/14 at 9am. Can u please tell me the best way to get a negative result? Thanks.

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How do you get methamphetamine out of your system in 48 hrs?

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Use Protox from a headshop and follow directions to a 'T'. You must stop 2 days before being texted. I took methamphetamine everyday all-day for years. It works.

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Listen I did this is over a year and PASSED EVERY TIME! 100% GUARANTEED . Okay if your a girl, get a small lotion bottle or perfume bottle that will fit comfortably in side you. Get someone's clean pee! You pug the clean pee in the bottle of course. Get albumin foil and put it over the top sealing the top to where it's closed and nothing can get out. I put a rubber band around it. Put in inside you and when you go to pee just poke a hole in the foil when you "go to pee" make sure you run hot water over the bottle before you leave your house and put it inside you. You body also makes it the right temperature. Practice with water before you go so you can be comfortable. I promise you that this WORKS, before I actually got clean I did this for my suboxone clinic and also put some sub into the Pee!!

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Juice beets eat tons of fruit drink 100% cranberry juice ,pom juice brand is also great poegranite is even better than cranberry find a way to sweat it you don't feel like exurting yourself fill the tub with veryhot water drain and repeat every ten minutes for one hour twice a day drink one and a half gallons of water A day also load upon B12, niacin vitamins and take an entire bottle of cranberry pills in the vitamin section you can find them peeat least five times before testing the day of eat clean raw foods nuts fruit veggies lean meats avoid fried foods and ref meat no alcohol do all this for four days the fifth day u will pass perhaps the fourth follow this advice to a tee oh I almost forgot at some point during each day drink four cups double strength that's two to three bags percupof green tea fabulous for detoxifying like the pom juice

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I took methamphetamine at 3 am on the 21st, only once, and I have a UA on Thursday at 2pm... Am I going to be clean? How do I get it out of my system?

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I took methamphetamine daily for four days and I stopped Saturday at 7:30 am and have a ua for my po today (tuesday) at 4 pm. Will I pass? I have a fast metabolism and I weigh 150lb?

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How can I pass a urine test in 48 hrs after taking methamphetamine?

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3 days is all you need to flush it out just drinking water. You're gonna be fine.

Was this helpful? 31

Consumed methamphetamine 2 days ago and have a urine test at 8am tomorrow. Will constant water help flush it out?

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I just took methamphetamine today..I have a test at 8:30 in da morning. How or what can I do to come up clean? Someone plz tell me how?

Was this helpful? 196

I have a drug test in 2 days. How can i get methamphetamine out of my system?

Was this helpful? 244

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