Get Refill For Controlled Drug While Traveling (Top voted first)


I will be traveling from VA to CA Washinton state hoping to tour states we have not seen yet. I take hydrocodone and Valium for disc problems and muscle spasms. I always use Walmart pharmacy. Will I be able to get my prescriptions if I take one with me from my doctor? Which walmarts would be able to fill them

2 Replies

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As long as you have valid written prescriptions, there should not be any problem getting them filled, as long as they can verify it with your doctor. Thus, I would suggest stopping in a couple days before you actually need a refill, that will give them time to verify it with your doctor and etc.

The FDA warns that these medications carry the risk of being habit forming and they may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.

I live in Washington state, so regarding things here, I'd say your best bets to try are Bartell's or Safeway. They tend to be the most understanding and the most willing to put in a little extra time, if needed, to verify a prescription.

When will you be traveling? (And when you are out here, make sure you check out Seattle, you won't regret it!)

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Thanks for your reply. We are leaving mid May. Seattle is on the list

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