Generic Trazodone (Top voted first)


My extremely energetic dog takes Trazodone for calming. Recently the pharmacy refilled with a different manufacter pill which was slightly smaller and made by Zydus. The original RX was manufactured by TEVA. The effects were not the same....the dog was still bouncing off the walls after giving same dosage. I question the pharmacist who told me "it's just what they send us" and "it's the same drug". I disagree. Any info or comments?

2 Replies

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Hello Susan,

Both of you are correct. The different manufacturers sell a drug that has the same quality and dosage of the same active ingredient as your pharmacist says, however, this does not mean that all of the inactive igredients are the same between the pills. The inactive ingredients in the medicine is just as important and impactful as the active ingredients. While the active ingredient is what calms your dog it is the inactive ingredients in the pills that determine how quickly the dog absorbs the medication, how long it takes for the full dosage to hit your dog and does play an impact on how we feel when on the drug.

The pharmacist most likely does not have control over which brand of medication he has available, but the pharmacy itself does. If you would prefer the Teva brand of Trazodone for your canine companion then it is likely that you are going to have to do some leg work or make some calls around to see which pharmacist or vet carries the one you like.

I hope this helps a bit. Have a wonderful day and let me know if you have any further questions.

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you Kevin, very good and helpful information!

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