Generic Percocet 10 A333 White Oblong
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Anyone had stomach / intestinal effects from this particular form? I've been switched from Watson 932 10/325 because of drug store supply.
Re: Riley (# 4)
Same here Riley stomach pain nauseous I never had that problem with Mallinkrodt
Re: Riley (# 4)
I'm experiencing the same started gradually at first so I thought I had a stomach bug. I normally have zero reactions & have been very thankful for that. Plus they don't seem as effective - more pain since the last refill a week ago. Yes I know listed as a side effect but again NO stomach problems for years until this refill.
Re: robin (# 12)
Whts the difference between A333 oxycodone10/325.& Watson 923 oxycodone10
I’ve been taking generic Percocet for several years. I received a few of the A333 and it’s the first time any brand has caused me to have diarrhea and feel weak and a headache! What would cause the sick stomach, no pain relief, if these are real?
I have been given oxycodone 10 pink with L 56. What in the name of the GREAT SPIRIT do these piece of s*** pharma companies have in their brain besides water. This s*** makes me sick and in more pain. Somebody tell me please.
Yes. I have had numerous spine operations and am scheduled for more and have been on them for a long time. On this refill they gave me A333 and i can not stop throwing up. They also do not seem to work as well on pain.
Yes and more. It's not what it's supposed to be. my pain tis still there. I called the pharmacy to no avail. I will call an attorney come Monday.
A333 DO NOT WORK PERIOD' END OF STORY. This is a terrible thing to do to to all of us who suffer. And it's like we have no choice. I am willing to be a part of the solutions' if I only knew how to do that.
I believe the a333 white oblong are the best when take in percocet but the little round yellow ones work the best seriously you should talk to your doctor about this because some of the other genetics don't don't work on me either do I usually take the yellow round ones or the white oblong ones they are the best
A333's have 0 actual ocycodone in them. Actavis is by far the worst generic drug manufacturer! Their labs/mills are under constant violation and have paid millions to the Fda for violations. The oxycodone/ tylenol A333 came out along time ago probably year and half ago replacing the Watson oxycodone/aceitametphine. These Percocets sent thousands to the E.R. for chest pains, numbness in limbs, major G.I. issues including gas, diarrhea etc. Nothing was done, the A333's were not taken off the shelves and CP patients were forced to switch drugs, either to another brand or a total different medication like OxycontinER.
I took the A333's and I filed lots of "bad drug" complaints with the Fda. I switched backto Perdue Brand oxycontin and won't touch a generic opiate medication ever again! Actavis paid off the FDA so they could keep slingin their Indian backyard made oxycodone Perc's.Never trust generic drug manufacturers EVER!! Their's a reason why the Actavis generics are 80% cheaper...
Tom, one of the gallbladder valves is i correct? The funny thing is, removing your gallbladder will not do a single thing. I get k-cramps from taking too much ketamine, and that same valve becomes inflamed. Had a friend get his gallbladder removed due to this...and guess what? It didn't do s***, and he wasted a few grand.
Hey Dr. Akimoto,
Apparently you didn't do any research about it!
There is a drug abuse deterrent added to the Actavis A333!
There's a lot of information posted about it and how it was approved by the FDA to add it.
Most of those medications had the abuse deterrent added to it.
It was also stated by the pain management doctors about the change and they had to switch a lot of their patients to other medications for the same reasons.
Do you work for the drug companies?
Are they paying you very well to post BS replies to people that have actually suffered from the effects that Actativis, (which is now Allergan), created by changing the formulation of the Watson brand that they destroyed after they bought out Watson?
Have you ever been treated for chronic pain with any of the medications being discussed?
If you haven't taken any of the medications discussed, don't post any BS comments!
If you say that you take the Actavis brand, after being on the Watson brand, and have had no nasty side effects, lucky you, but you're most likely being paid to defend Actavis/Allergan.
Actually MedsChat should remove your post!
Just like the post about people that have it all in their heads and they are making themselves sick.
That's another one that must be paid off to defend Actavis/Allergan.
It always amazes me on how a lot of people that are suffering from the medication changes that post the issues they are having with the medication, and then come along the scumbags to defend the BS changes.
I am having severe itching and gi upset I've taken the watson before and never remember anyone this the new generic is really terrible the itching is so severe I've gotta call my doctor I haven't slept all night from itching and sleeplessness
I have found that our digestive track has to be clean before using this medication. A333 before you use this med
I have had one severe reaction after another since being on this I was in the hospital 3 times in the last month with blood pressure 210/110 pulse over 120 I could not figure out why I was having allergic reactions when I never had one before until now who should I report this to?
PLACEBO EFFECT. Seriously, this is the most ridiculous post I have ever seen. I am in pain management - have been for two years. When I got the Activas brand, I didn't even notice. I took my normal dose and continued on with life. The only reason I noticed the pill was different is because I keep all of mine in a pill schedule box with my other medications, and I just happened to notice the different imprint and decided to look it up...and I found this thread.
I bet if I had seen this thread BEFORE taking the Activas brand, I may have had some of the symptoms others have had. You know why? Psyching myself out. The brain is a very powerful organ and can do some crazy things!
This is regular Percocet and it works just the same as any other name brand or generic version.
If it really did cause any serious problems for anyone, then I do hope you find relief and retribution. But, overall, it seems that most of this is being blown WAY out of proportion.
Tom, You keep repeating the same broken record bs even though it's been stated multiple times in this thread that you are wrong.
There is no abuse deterrent in the A333 Percocet pill from Actavis.
There is no abuse deterrent in the A333 Percocet pill from Actavis
There is no abuse deterrent in the A333 Percocet pill from Actavis.
Do you get that through your thick skull now?
Also, A333 Percocet from Actavis didn't cause your gall bladder issue. That issue is directly caused by obesity with a diet of chicken fried everything smothered in gravy.
Is there anyone else experiencing painful abdominal issues from the nasty side effects of the Actavis brand?
After using that Actavis brand with their new formulation and fillers, I'm now scheduled for gallbladder removal surgery. I figured that after stopping using the Actavis brand, my abdominal pain from the side effects from the Actavis brand would have gone away, but they never did. I never had any problems with my gallbladder until the switch of the medication was made after Actavis bought out Watson and Actavis reformulated it. The Watson brand worked great with no side effects, but Actavis reformulated the drug with new fillers to deter street junkies from using it, and it has caused the real pain sufferers to suffer even more in the process.
exact same issues as what I had
Never experienced any side effects. Worked as usual. But I also didn't realize they were different from my usual. The pharmacies in Oklahoma have since changed back to the previous generics. I'm guessing from all the complaints. I suppose I was lucky.
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