Generic Percocet 10 A333 White Oblong (Page 4)


Anyone had stomach / intestinal effects from this particular form? I've been switched from Watson 932 10/325 because of drug store supply.

101 Replies (6 Pages)

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This Activis crap needs to be taken off the market!!! Alvogen brand Oxcycodone 7.5/325 is crap too, don.t work for pain at all!! My pain doc writes brand medically necessary and I get 90 of them monthly with a 40 dollar copay. My pharmacist orders them in for me monthly, God Bless HIm!!

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I talked to the Walgreens pharmacist about Actavis oxycodone. He told me he had other complaints. He put it in my records that Actavis doesn't agree with me. Now he orders Endocet brand for me which seems to work better. I still think the Watson's brand worked the best for me but it might be because I have built up a tolerance to the medication. I don't know about that but I do know the Endocet brand works better than the Actavis and it doesn't make my stomach rumble either.

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I completely agree with you.

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I am experiencing horrible side effects with the Actavis brand as well. I've called around in my area and found one pharmacy that has the Watson brand. My question is - is that the same as Actavis now? Another pharmacy here has the Norwich manufactured brand, distributed by Alvogen. I saw one negative comment regarding this brand... anyone else have experience with it?

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Alicia. ....u need to ask that pharmacy if the meds they have are the original watson Percocet s or are they the newer Actavis brand that are oval. Stay away from alot of mad things about them as well. I can only recommend what ive tried which is endocet...which I continue to use and mallinkrodt. Ive tried the mallinkrodt n they were ok, but to me, the endocet has worked better....some say they like the mallinkrodt better...everyone is different n what works for one may not as well for another. ..youre just going to have to try n see. NOTHING COMPARES TO WATSON'S. ...but these are the two of all brands that have the most positive feedback. Youre going to have to look around n see who carries them. Walgreens special order mine but only 2 of the 4 locations in my town will so if one says no, try another and you have to request them 2 weeks in advance to assure they have em when ur ready to get ur script filled. Cvs also does alot of special orders as well.....hope this helps....good luck! Let us know what happens!

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Does everyone know theybcan file a complain with side effects you have had to the FDA? I think you either need to ask the pharmacist or your doctor. I will find out.. my mother did it once. If we ALL file complaints maybe they will take it off the market! My Walgreens pharmacist doesn't care. He said "it's the only brand we get now"...seeing another comment in here I noticed Walgreens actually ordered another brand? Wondering why it's not an option with my Walgreens.

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Does everyone know they can file a complaint with side effects you have had to the FDA? I think you either need to ask the pharmacist or your doctor. I will find out.. my mother did it once. If we ALL file complaints maybe they will take it off the market! My Walgreens pharmacist doesn't care. He said "it's the only brand we get now"...seeing another comment in here I noticed Walgreens actually ordered another brand? Wondering why it's not an option with my Walgreens.

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Thank you @Jennifer for your reply. I was able to find a pharmacy one town over that will order the endocet for me - arriving tomorrow :) I called probably ten places and ALL of them only carry the Actavis brand, so that stinks. I will post my results, and will definitely file my complaints with the FDA. I have been on the Actavis brand for quite awhile, and have had horrible problems with my stomach, low bp and other issues. I have pretty severe chronic pain from lupus, chronic pancreatitis, bulging cervical discs and fibro - just to name a few. It didn't even occur to me that it was the brand causing the problems. I believe I had a Watson supply of percocet last year, and then was switched to Actavis. There is a HUGE difference in side effects and lack of pain control! I was changed from 5 to 10mg and thought something was wrong with me, because they weren't helping me at all! Thanks again for your help and advice.

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Alicia. problem...anytime! Thats what these threads r find answers n share what e know or have experienced. Jyst an fyi...when ur changing from one med to another, your body will go thru withdrawals so the first 2 weeks to a month might b tough for u, but then youll start to notice if the endocet help control ur b prepared for the worst before it gets better....

my2sense.....reread my post I made before ur last....I talked about how some Walgreen s wont special order n some will....

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Jennifer - thanks again! I actually got my endocet yesterday, and I can already tell a major difference (in a good way). It provides much more pain control than the Actavis, which in turn has increased my energy level. There isn't that awful "crash and burn" feeling with horrible physical effects that came from the Actavis. It may not be as noticeable at first, but it is better quality and lasts much longer. And, anyone with chronic pain appreciates that way more than some sort of "kick!"

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So happy to hear ur feeling better! From one pain management patient to another....its a good feeling when someone who started off in horrible pain and the end result is a positive one only because they took a shot on trusting ur advise. Its music to my ears! Ive been to that place where im in so much pain I just wanna die cause u cant find anything to help, then I chanced taking someones advise that was going to b my one last shot...only to come out in the end being able to control my pain. It was like birdies signing in the air....the world looked like a different place to me. I didnt hope to not wake up next time I fell asleep. So I know what being in pain could do to ur life n spirit. If I hadnt listened, god knows where id b, so im just paying it forward in hopes to help legitimate pain sufferers. Please do the same here on this website when u see someone searching for help.....Keep In touch n pop in every now n then n give us an update!

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Due to a couple of carwrecks and multiple hard falls from the damage they caused, I've been on four 10/325 generic Percocets as well as two 60mg MS-Contins - later two 100 mg - for years. The Watsons were noticebly better than the Activas and much better than 'MallinkROT.' The Endo 60 mgs MS-Contins provided better relief than the 100 mgs Rhodes - which were still better than the MallinkROT. And now with the Activas 'Percs' I really have to choose how much pain I want to be in all day long in order to take less - to reduce tolerance - of forget reducing tolerance and taking all of my daily allotment of pills and maybe eventually get almost pain free just as it's time to go to bed. These pills do not make me sleepy; it's the opposite, so I'm not getting a good nights sleep to add insult to injury.

I think I'm going to have to start looking for a new pharmacy as mine likes to give me one brand, assuring me it's better, only to change it back the next month...

I can say that I seem to be immune to the gastro-intestinal distress so many others are having. But, if this is indeed a side effect, I have noticed that if I scratch myself, I tend to form slight welts and I've recently felt some of the chest and arm pains, but had chalked that up to diet (and weight.)

Three things that really make me mad 1) I feel like I'm being cheated while the pharmacies are making money off my extra suffering 2) since I'm on insurance from the ACA, Wal-greens (not sure if that matters anymore) won't accept my plan and 3) what with all the grocery store pharmacies also going for the cheapest drugs they can get, I can't even find the Endos anymore.

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Sorry about the double post, I couldn't edit the other. After talking to my pharmacist today in relation to these ******* pills, I can, without fear of libel, say that he is aware that they are not as good and has received numerous complaints about them. What burns me about this is that instead of telling me this months ago, I have spent that much time suffering needlessly. His excuse: it costs him too much in relation to how much he is re-imbursed by insurance.

Now, I can understand not wanting to take a loss on a prescription, but not straight up telling me that I might want to find another pharmacy at least for THIS script, he just kept taking the loss and giving me ineffective meds.

So, if you suffer from chronic pain and you've suddenly found yourself wondering if you've just built up too much of a tolerance and that's why they just don't seem to be working, take any comfort you can from knowing that if you're taking this brand, that's not the case.

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the mallincrott was no good for you either?

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Had two surgeries on back one for si joint fusion, the second cause off infection with screws so now there gone infection is not. Doc gave me hydro 10s worked okay now getting a333 cause infection on spine been three days and show no signs of side effects and pain is under control.

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I was in a car accident 10 years ago and have chronic pain & flare ups of herniated discs and bulging discs inflaming and pressing on nerve causing severe pain in C-spine , T-spine, & L-spine along with partial tear in rotator cuff. Needless to say something is always flaring up. When really bad I get an epideral inj. but I take narcotics in between as needed. I used to take darvocet until it went off of market then my PM doc switched me to Percocet. I didn't have a problem until last year spring 2014 when activas bought out Watson. Now I am hyper sensitive to medications already so a little benedryl is not abnormal for me but this was uncontrollable itching with about 150 mg of benedryl on board, topical benedryl spray. Felt as others felt kind of like medicine poisoning. Gave it a couple days to see if my body adjusted but it did not. Told my doc so she switched me to Norco this was WORSE, uncontrollable itching for like 12 hours nausea, headache- called the pharmasist who told me it was also Watson (which is really now Activas) he suggested it was something in their filler, and stop taking and talk to doc.... Well my insurance company won't cover name brand, they told me to try endocet, roxycet, or mendocet..... Walgreens & CVS in my area all don't carry these drugs and all use Same distributer who uses Watson for both hydrocodone, & oxycodone. So my doc wrote for Percocet brand name. Wow what a difference. No side effects, one 7.5/325 took care of my pain, instead of 2. Only problem was neither Walgreens or CVS carried the drug brand name, none in my area!!! Finally got it filled at Costco. 20 pills.... 189.00 dollars. Ridiculous. It is pathetic that we are at the mercy of insurance company's, manufacturing company's and suppliers for our drugs. Anybody who suffers chronic pain or any chronic condition for that matter already doesn't feel good. Then to go on a wild goose chase to get quality good meds we need. Who has the time & energy for that!!! Now I get the fun of appealing my health insurance company to cover brand name cause of bad reaction to generic. Good luck to everyone, hope u all feel better soon!

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Yea my stomachs making sounds like hunger sounds. But stomach is full these pills are like morophine to me because morophine did the same thing. And also chest fighting won't take any more of these not worth the risk. Any body else have this problem.

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exactly the same effects I had

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EVERY time I get my pain meds It's always a new manufacturer and I'm allergic to so many things. I never paid attention to the percocet pills as they loos similar i changed from Hydrocodone to norco because of these issues but now same with Percocet. I'm only allowed to use 1 pharmacy with my pain managment so it sucks. I was rear ended 2x's 5 years ago and need some relief.

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Hi Kelly,

I had to switch to Endocet after the terrible side effects I was receiving from the Actavis brand. I was taking the Watson 10/325 brand for quite a while and had no problems. Actavis bought out Watson and changed the formulation. They also added some drug abuse deterrent to keep the street junkies from taking it. I think that is what is making everyone sick and getting the terrible side effects. All I can say about that one is, find me a junkie that has a great spine and I'll switch with him. He can have my spine that has 7 herniated disks, sections where it is bone on bone, stenosis, and he can have all the drugs that goes with it. Why do the pain sufferers have to suffer more because of street junkies? Great system we live in! Enough on that rant! I went and did research on a lot of the other drug manufacturers and only found Endocet that worked without the nasty side effects. Most pharmacies don't carry that brand so they have to be ordered. Or the pharmacies just want to push the other garbage since they probably get it cheaper. Another thing you might want to look into is the pain patch, starting at a low dose. I started using the pain patches a while back and have cut down a lot on the pills.
Basically the pills are only used for breakthrough pain now. That is as long as the pain patches work the same each time. Which they have been varying for me. Sometimes they work great and other times not so well.

Hope some of this helps!

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