Generic Norco Ip110 (Page 2)


White small oblong pill with ip110; norco. Why it doesn't work as good as watson?

46 Replies (3 Pages)

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They really don't work as well

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Watson are best generic. You can get them at walgreens

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Also ask your write on your scripts .Name brand only no generic.its that eazy for you to get what works

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The m367 are made by malinkrodt who makes a number of meds. I'll trade pain with u cause it's n ur head.

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I agree with you completely. I have chronic neck and back pain and both knees are shot to hell. After five different surgeries they said I need them both replaced but I'm too young. My dr used to give me 240 Lortab a month and then cut it to 120 Lortab and 60 dilaudid and referred me to a pain management clinic. There they wouldn't prescribe any pills but wanted me to take 4 injections daily of demerol 100mg each. That would've made me unable to function. I told him I didn't want anything that heavy and he said that's all he would prescribe along with ketamine. I walked out and went back to my dr and explained it to him. He put me back on hydrocodone 10mg/325 acetaminophen, 180 a month which barely gets me by. They need to relax on the dr's prescribing it to patients that actually need it. I even take a drug panel every month for them to make sure I'm taking it and not selling it I guess.

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This needs to be banned, cvs provides some with number 176 and they make you sick as a dog and you end up with very huge pupils while feeling like crap

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Be aware as well as informed. If you have an issue, report it to the fda's "adverse reaction" site. It's public information, and even though the response won't be sent directly to you, it will be posted. Best part is it gives emails and names of all those involved. I suggest everyone respond. It will work. That, or live with the problem. Your choice

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They are right, name brand or different generic manufacturers will make their norco all slightly different. This includes a slight difference in narcotics in the pill as well. Name brand (yellow) might have a 1 mg amount but the white one will have a lesser amount. Plus the fillers in pills and everything else can be different. Especially the fillers they use to put the pills all together. I did see the fax sheet 15 years ago from a Dr in Stockton, CA that showed how the yellow ones had a higher concentration of the opiates than the white ones and that is why my brother in law was always allowed the yellow ones.

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I was taking the yellow oval 10/325 "V" on it for [i guess] Vicodin. Just got this IP 110 white oval pill, looked it up on this site, but only found comments dated approx. 2008-2010. Are there any more recent posts, say, 2016-2017? I haven't tried the IP 110 yet, so I can't comment on it. However, in general, I'm not very impressed by all these generic pills -- 90% are always white! Being in a nursing home, I get around 12 different meds every day for my 71 yr. old age. So what about those IP 110 pills?

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Re: tomtom (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

I received the white IP 110 for the first time this week and I know I will run out early because they are so weak. I am going to ask the doctor to write name brand only when I pick up my next prescription. Ugh.

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I was a medic for over 6 years. Pharmacies to keep their profit margins high buy wholesale meds, because if you take a script to be filled and have insurance, the company only pays the pharmacy about 8 or 9 bucks for 120 Norco. But if you have to pay out of pocket for the entire script you're gonna pay around 80 bucks or so. A lot are switching to the IP110 because it is cheaper to dispense than the yellow Watson's or M367. I know it sux to get a cheap imitation but that's capitalism at its best. As for the person that said they returned the remaining IP110's and got the yellow Watson's. I do believe that is against the law...once you leave the pharmacy what you got is what you got.

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Re: Ann (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Same problem here, I'm stuck with these new meds also they don't work at all l'm wondering do they have any pain relief in them also, I don't know why we have to suffer because of someone else follies

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Re: Painfully alive (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

You will be lucky IF you f Inc a pharmacy that stocks the name brand your bank account will be shot to hell also

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

The problem is pharmacies give you what they have "in stock" caught CVS several times giving me anything that was a hydrocodone/acetaminophen combo and they didn't care if it was Norco, Vicodin or what. Always check what you're being given.

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Re: melissa (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

It's because of all the overdoses, the drug addiction. First thing people say is I got started on pain pills, bulls***, if you we're not abusing them to begin with. It's making it hard on us all that have bad pain. It sucks.

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I have been taking Norco 10 made by Watson. I got my pain meds filled and they didn't seem to work. I looked and they are 1p 110. I felt lightheaded and they are not working. This sucks.

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Re: DJ Money (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

IP110 IS made by interpharm pharmaceuticals. The pharmacies probably replaced your original script with those because they are cheaper so the pharmacy can increase their profit margin and some people are saying that IP110 is only about 8mg. My advice is maybe try another pharmacy. Good luck.

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I believe the IP 110 pill is not as effective. Here is the link to report to the FDA. It's an easy online reporting form!

If no one reports, we will never be able to change.

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Re: Onica (# 38) Expand Referenced Message

Walmart switched to a version of the IP 110. They did not curb the pain, so I went to Meijer. Meijer still had the yellow version! That lasted a good six months before they created a drive through lane. (I should have known) along with building a drive-through comes cost. My local Meijer officially switched to the India imported crap.

I pressed my luck and went back to Walgreens. I moved from them to Walmart once they stopped dispensing the yellows. As luck would have it, they were at least still dispensing the white Watson’s. It’s funny, I’ll take those over anything else at this point since the yellow Qualitests simply cannot be found.

Much to my dismay, I refill at Walgreens this last month, and BAM. I’m hit with the IP 110s.

Literally, every major pharmacy has sold out and is making us take 80% of the medication we’re prescribed, and it’s simply okay because of the POS government deciding everyone should be punished when they want to fail at another war on drugs.

Chronic pain survivors are not the problem.

If anyone else knows of other pharmacies, let me know. But at this point we’re all pretty much SOL.

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Re: Marie (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Thank goodness u brought up how redheads need more painkillers and/or are sensitive to anaesthesia from surgery to Dental office procedures, then if you need drugs, simply changing my generic can cause havoc in my body. Now older and grieving my only child passing tragically in a car accident, i notice these changes and now understand im not going totally crazy. It affects people. The 1 sz fits all approach is criminal. God bless all in this difficult journey.

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