Gabapentin Safety
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Is Gabapentin safe to take for individuals with a history of rectal bleeding originating from the lower intestine?

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The bleeding is cause by abrasions located in te lower intestine and bowl. I have had the condition for 50 years. It required surgery back when I was 17 and again (laser surgery)) about 20 yrs ago. Generally speaking, it is manageable with iron therepy. Otherwise, I would bleed down to transfusion level. I am not permitted to take aspirin because of it. So, since it is an analgesic with an acidic base, I am wondering if the Gabapentin would have a similar aggravating effect as asprin. It is the only thing that has changed recently in my diet. It was precribed by a psychiatrist for mood disorder.

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Hello, Ek! How are you?

What caused the bleeding?

Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant that's is also used to treat some types of nerve pain and mood disorders.

Learn more Gabapentin details here.

Has it been prescribed by a doctor that's familiar with your medical history?

It's really not a good idea to take anything that hasn't been fully vetted by your doctor or pharmacist.

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