G 3772 Side Effects: Taste Buds (Top voted first)


This particular pill had different side effects vs every other xanax I have been prescribed. It literally messed up my taste buds so badly that everything I drank for up to 24 hours after taking tasted absolutely disgusting. I'm not sure why this happened because I have been taking this medication for my tachycardia for years now. Has anyone else had this same experience with this G3772 pill?

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The bottle I'm using now are the G37222's, and I also have two bottles of Green Greenstones. I've never had a bad side effect from Xanax aside from near Death once!

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Greenstone is generally known for their quality Alprazolam. I have never noticed this, and I have had a lot of G3772 pills?

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It doesn't appear to be listed as a common side effect, but I've seen a number of other people mention that various brands of Alprazolam can actually change the taste of everything you eat for many hours afterword. The MayoClinic also classifies it as a rare side effect, but perhaps this only happens with certain percentages of binders and fillers. It's just difficult to know for certain whether it's the medication itself or something that was added to the inactive ingredients.

Has this happen to you with any other generics or brands? If not, I do get the sense that it may be associated with the inactive ingredients present in "G3772".

I hope this helps!

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Re: Eddy (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Why near death?

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