From Wi On 110 Mg Oxycontin And Cant Find A Doctor
UpdatedI am on a regime from wisconsin pain clinic it works great and I get a quality of life. The AR doctors want to screw around with something that works. I need a Dr. to pick up where other drs were doing and now AR dont want to RX oxycontin or oxycodone. What is the beef? Where can I go.
6 Replies
The main problem is that it is a medication that is quite commonly diverted and abused. Thus, it is under strict government control and all prescriptions they write for controlled substances must be reported to the federal government.
If, for some reason, the government thinks they prescribed it for the wrong reasons, then they can face serious sanctions or the loss of their medical license. In this case, you really can't blame doctors for being extra careful.
Did you bring your medical records and prescribing information with you, when you relocated?
That is the easiest way for any new doctors to see what has and has not worked for you and why you are on your current medication.
0525 on one side and pale yellow
This is in reply to Doctors being blamed by patients with substance abuse problems. "How can anyone hold responsible another person for their own problems? If the patient knows that a particular medication is not suitable for himself, then why does'nt he talk to his medical professional about a suitable substitute? I am tired of this inability to accept one's own responsibilities by blamming others." Robert James Russo, PhD
well the doctors have to take some resposibility for this big mess!! I've been on oxycodone for over 3 yrs now and am also having a problem replacing my doctor due to his age! he is retiring and will refer me but doctors just don't want to keep me on this even though it has kept me somewhat free of pain and no surgery! I was put on a narcotic and at the time was not explained to me how this would be 1. addictive, 2. very ill for weeks to get off of it (withdrawel) 3. haveing to find a new doctor is like pulling teeth because of the people that are abusing it. 4.I was'nt told all of these repercusions when he put me on this medication 5! now that I have something that helps me I AM LOOKED AT LIKE A JUNKIE by the pharmacist who fill it when they don't know what is wrong with me and are not doctors!! so you doctors do need to help the people who you put on this medication and it does help us and stop treating us like dirt!! I am also having a problem finding a doctor to keep me on a medication that is working for me? If this was for diabeties or high blood pressure there would be no questions asked!! so Take responsibility for what you and the pharmacuticle companys have created and help the people that need it! I think if you have a patient that has been on it for more than a year and they have their documentation from doctors and pharmacists these patients should be allowed to stay on it. thats a right in the USA as FREE people to choose our medical care. DOCTORS PLEASE START TO TELL THE DEA TO BACKOFF!! REAL PEOPLE ARE IN REAL PAIN AND NEED TO TAKE THIS MEDICATION TO HAVE A QUALITY OF LIFE!!! not QUANTITY QUALITY and that is what it does for me!.lets me get up with my kids and go for a walk or swimming or ride my motorcycle we should have a say in our healthcare. Thank You to all the doctors who are willing to prescribe this medication that helps millions of people enjoy what little they can in life without crying day and night!!
I need the name of a doctor in little rock or the surrounding area that will prescribe me roxicodone ... I have been on 120-30 mg tabs a month for 3 years - i was due to get my script today only to call and find out that he had his license stripped away yesterday and cant write scripts anymore. I am now starting to go thru withdrawls and am about to loose my mind. I'm not an take em to get high addict . I have had several surgeries that have led to me taking these for so long. without them the pain is damn near unbearable and the doc i went to see today suggests i go to rehab and gives me ativan for the wd's... I need some names of good caring doctors as I cannot afford to go dr. hunting. Any help will be greatly appreciated as will prayers.
Did u ever find a doctor in the LR area? I have severe back problems as a result of four very bad car accident and the pain has gotten unbearable lately. I am afraid that because of my age that I will be laughed out of the doctors office but when you have had 2 head on collisions and 2 cars broadside you because they ran a red lights at about 45 mph and your pain is geting increasingly worse there has got to be a problem and is getting worse.
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