Found A Small Round Orange Pill P On One Side, Blank On Other
UpdatedThis little pill is no bigger than, 2mm orange in color has a P on one side and it's blank on the other side.
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Found pill at home need to know what it's for as I think my partner is taking drugs....
small round orange pill with P on one side, blank on the other side. ## round orange pill p on one side ## I found a lar...
what is this? ## Hello, According to the FDA regulations all controlled medication needs to have an imprint on the pill ...
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found small orangeround coaed pill one side 10 other side blank...
Found a small round orange pill with one side blank and the other marked in a big 25 ## I found a small orange peach col...
Found in my carpet of the house. It's orange/peach circular with an indent "P" on one side and blank on the ...