Fludrocortisone Midrodrine And Abilify Okay Together??
UpdatedI have been on Fludrocortisone, Midrodrine, and Pristiq for depression, the first two 3 months for POTS , but, now depression has gotten bad. What can i do to stop the steroid since depression is one of the side-effects?
1 Reply
Hello, Sandy! How are you? I'm sorry about the way you're feeling.
Since you've been on it this long, a slow taper is the safest and best way to stop it, to avoid dangerous complications.
Have you consulted your doctor? They should be able to help you set up an appropriate tapering schedule.
What dosage of Pristiq are you on? You may need a dosage adjustment, or to add another medication.
The typical side effects of Pristiq may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes.
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