Flecainide And Autonomic Neurpoathy
UpdatedI have been on Flecainide for 15 years. I have read that there have been studies saying that it can cause peripheral neuorpathy, but does does anyone know if it can cause the more insidious infiltration into the autonomic nervous system (ex- nerves that communicate with the heart thus causing cardiovagal failure or nerves that communicate with the bladder causing urinary inconinence...)? I just got back from Mayo Clinic where my sweat test and autonomic tilt table test were severely abnormal. The doctor said that it is not just sudomotor failure/peripheral neuropathy, but that the nerves that communicate with the organs are also damaged. I also have developed orthostatic hypotension so that I seem dizzy all the time and especially when I change positions. The ringing in my ears is so bad that I've lost hearing in my upper range of sounds and feel tremulous inside as well. I really think that flecainide may be causing long term havoc on my autonomic nervous system. Anyone else with this sort of thing?
3 Replies
Hello, Cityrose! How are you? I'ms sorry about the problems that you're having.
No, I've just been reading over the detailed side effects for you, but there's nothing about anything like this occurring.
However, the one way to find an answer would be to work with your doctor to stop taking it for awhile and see if these issue go away. In most of the cases of peripheral neuropathy, the symptoms went away after about 3 to 6 months of discontinuing the medication.
The FDA lists its typical side facts as possibly including weakness, nausea, dizziness, blurred vision and cough.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Thank you for your kind and generous response as well as your concern! I have come upon a stack of various studies regarding Flecainide specific to my concerns. For example it has been shown that Tilt-table testing can show autonomic insufficiency with an inappropriate catecholamine response, thus causing orthostatic hypotension induced by the negative inotropic properties of Flecainide! Also, amongst my findings from respected journals are many studies indicating that Flecainide can (and did according to the literature) significantly decrease all parameters of heart rate variability in the time domain (median Δ% −10% to −25%) and in the frequency domain (median Δ% −27% to −38%), including the markers of vagal activity!! The amount of Central nervous system AND peripheral nervous system manifestations secondary to Flecainide are mind-blowing! In various studies, it was shown to alter EMG results, cause dystonias, and (because of its antimuscarinic AND anticholinergic properties) can severely alter sweat tests, cause urinary incontinence and nearly every symptom I'm having. Indeed, the literature I'm taking to my doctor for him to review indicates it can create complete havoc in BOTH the CNS and PNS. At least I'm optimistic to think (and pray) that there just MAY be an easier answer for my difficulties than a permanently degenerative one. Thank you again.
Yes, I could have written your post. My symptoms and research have lead me to Autonomic Neuropathy. I've been struggling with syncope, sweats, edema, stomach/digestion, shortness of breath, exercise intolerance and incontinence. My ED put in a pace maker and at least now I'm not passing out any more. Finding out flecainide could be the cause is very beneficial. Since it appears I no longer have afib my Cardiologist says I can stop the flecainide. If these symptoms goes away, my prayers will have been answered.
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