Finding Oxycodone
UpdatedReally need some help i live in jacksonville fl nobody will write me my scrip for oxycodone 30's or even lortab im 21 have horrible back pain. So much so that i cant even play with my 10 month old daughter..can any one help or are there any good suggestions
Ive been to multible pcd'rs ive gone to the E.R. even pain management they dont care what my mri says what i have heard over and over is i dont feel comfortable prescribing narcotics to you due to your age...
1 Reply
I am sorry that you're suffering, I hate to see anyone going through this.
However, it may be your approach that is wrong, which could explain why no one will prescribe anything like what you're wanting.
If you are going in to a pain management doctor, ER or etc. and specifically asking for pain medications, then in most cases doctors will view that as drug seeking behavior and will not prescribe them for you.
In such situations, the best thing you can do is to let your pain and medical records speak for themselves and then let the doctor decide what may or may not be appropriate.
But I believe you may have gotten yourself in a serious jam right now, since you've been to multiple doctors, it is most likely noted in your records that you've been doing so and that likely flags you as being suspicious.
I am not trying to say you are doing anything dishonest or abusing medications, I am just trying to explain what types of issues can go on that create these types of road blocks.
Do you have a general practitioner that you see regularly?
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