Finding A Pharmacy To Fill My Morphine Rx


i just moved to fort myers fl from dallas texas and i am having a very hard time!!!! i cannot find a dr to take me as a client since i am a self pay client ( i dont have insurance). i found a dr to write me a 1 week supply of my morphine a refferal to a pain management dr however when i went to walmart to have my rx filled i was told that they couldnt fill it there and good luck finding someone who could. i am at my witts end!!!!

17 Replies

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I'm very sorry that you are having such difficulties, but right now everyone is, actually.

Shortages of controlled substances, such as this, are very common towards the end every year and into the first few weeks of the new year and people all over the U.S. are having trouble getting their prescriptions filled.

Learn more Morphine details here.

There are mandatory manufacturing limits and once manufacturers have reached those limits for the year, they can no longer produce new product, until they receive their new manufacturing allotment amount sometime after the start of the new year. Thus, it is likely to be another few weeks, before this situation changes.

Does anyone have any suggestions that may help?

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hey did you ever find help cause i need help myself

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go to Lacy's drug; or any pharmacy near a hospital;or pharmacy in major medical buildings. They should be able to help you both ..good luck. I have been in pain since 1988. I continue to have surgeries (Not by choice).

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Hi Rebecca, I found a specific Walgreens that will fill my prescription. Unfortunately I am just now able to find a dr who has a decent reputation to take me on as a patient. I can't tell you how hard this has been on me. I have cried tooooo many tears and not just bc of pain. I wish you better luck then I've had.

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i am a cancer pt in fl and have been questioned and turned away for my pain patches. i see a pain dr in one city and fill scrip in another county, i was told thats a no no.
I finally went to publix and asked to speak with the pharmacist and they agreed to fill my dialadid and pain patch on going. guess i got lucky. but it is true a pharmacy in a hospital or clinic will work with you more than any others.

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I just tweeted my reply but the short version. I will tell you right now that I was a pharmacy technician and we turned away a lot of prescriptions if the pharmacist had a remote suspicion that the script was fake, or being abused. They reserve that right in order to protect their license. Retail pharmacies will also turn you away if you don't have a patient/relationship established with them.

They best thing to do is ask to leave the script with them, and if its possible they can order it for you. If this isn't an option due to low supply, or shortages thats government regulated, your best bet is to try a hospital pharmacy. But going around from pharmacy to pharmacy seeing who is willing to fill your prescription makes your situation look bad. These heavy narcotics are mostly used with patients who are under hospice care, or limited mobility, and strictly regulated. Just because a person can find a doctor willing to write a script for a controlled substance without asking questions, doesn't mean your going to find a pharmacy that isn't going to verify the prescription, or run a background check on you, or to save time turn you away.

Also CVS in Florida and Walgreens (not sure specifically which) have been convicted by the DEA for filling a suspicious amount of controlled substances. So many retailers are currently turning away a lot more patients than they would normally, after seeing what has happened to CVS and Walgreens, and the millions of dollars in fines they had to pay. Its easier to turn away a patient, than risking their license.

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I asked google the question.(where in Orlando can I fill my legitimate script of morphine )After reading some of the responses I put the suggestions to work. I found that the advise was most helpfull so after finding a pharmacy to help me , I found it only appropriate to help someone else with my findings. There was a cvs that was within a mile or so of winter park hospital . So look near or at large Hospitals, and thank u to those people that tool time to help.

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I have read some of the posts, if one is like this, sorry I'm repeating. The bigger pharmacies, good idea, but also, if you can find one, try one of the mom & pop type pharmacies. I go to a little tiny one here in Virginia, sometimes yes they don't have the meds I need. I'm not on morphine, but oxycodone & oxycontin, but they also have shortages on these. Anyway, even if they don't have it in stock, they call around & manage to at least have it filled in 2 days. In fact, 2 days longest I've ever waited & that's unusual, it's generally later on the same day. Good luck to you

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I get my dilaudid and hydromorphone filled at the Rite Aid pharmacy across the street from the pain management clinic, that particular location is the only place that fills my narcotics or orders them to be filled. Around here there is a Rite Aid pharmacy every 10-15 miles away from each other, they are everywhere. Only at the one across from pain mgmt fills and keeps stocked or orders all my narcotics for the past 6 years. Good luck everyone!

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Help u have 2rods and screws with metal plates in severe pain I have morphine sulfate 60mg script Wal-Mart filled my ambien and ixycodone 15 But says won't till my morphine they work together of area and Pc fl any help

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Please help I have ins but can't gett my morphine 60mg filled I have had 3 surgeries portcharlotte/punta gotta area any pharmacists that will help please I have had to put my active life on hold and have to keep going any one thank you

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Hi Krista,
Just wanted to check in & see if you ever got your medicine's straight. BTW, what was the deal with, was it Wall Mart? Pharmacies cannot tell you when you can & cannot get your meds, unless it's way too early. I am so glad I go to a "mom & pop" pharmacy. They don't bother you with all this mess. It's also nice to be greeted on a first name basis with kindness & not suspicion that you're "up to no good". Hope your situation has been resolved.


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I am SO glad I don't live in the USA!! I live in Australia & take narcotic meds for chronic pain of over 40 years. The ONLY medication I have trouble getting is Dantrium - not widely used. My local pharmacy can't get any stock until November!!! I wish you all well in sourcing the medications you need.

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I don't understand why the problems. If you get your meds on a regular basis why not continue to go to the same pharmacy every time. All they have to do when running your name and see that you go to numerous pharmacies. Any pharmacy will tell you that don't have enough to fill and can see other pharmacies inventory by looking in their computer. They have a reason they're turning you away. They just aren't telling you. I go to the same pharmacy every single time with no issues. If you have a contract with your doctor it will state must use the same pharmacy always

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Is there a difference between different pharmacy filling the same pill ( morphine )? Like is Walgreen more potent or better then Wal-Mart??

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I need help finding a Pharmacy to fill my prescription. I've been to all the Pharmacies in my area with no luck.

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Publix fills mine.

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