Finding A Pharmacy In Las Vegas With Norco 10 325 Stock (Page 2)
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Where can i get my prescription norco 10/325 filled in las vegas nevada?

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Another idea is to try a compounding pharmacy. They often don't fill regular prescriptions that often, so they might still have some in stock.

Does anyone else have any ideas?

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I was wondering if CVS has filled your script yet??? We went to Oncoligist today for script and dropped al our local,usual Cvs and they said hopefully in the A.M or Fri at the latest...Our Dr adived its going to be this complicated every month going forward...

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Take it to the hospital closest to your doctors office. Hospitals should be able to fill anyone's personal prescriptions. They have plenty of norco for emergencies. Good luck . God bless Rocket 666.

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I'm sorry that you are all having a problem getting your prescriptions filled.

On top of all the other changes that happened this year, we are also now into the time of year when there is almost always a shortage of controlled substances due to mandatory manufacturing limits. Once a company has manufactured their allowed amount of the year, they must cease production until the new year.

So far, I've not known of a single year where demand hasn't exceeded the supply and a shortage happened the last few months of the year.

The best suggestion I can make is that you consult your respective doctors to see if they can prescribe an alternative medication, in the meantime.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Does anyone else have any suggestions?

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Got me, CVS has been sitting on my Rx for 1 week. Can't or won't say when it gets in also may not get 7.5mg/325's

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having trouble finding a pharmacy that has NorCo in stock

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