Finding A Doctor Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication In Arizona-tempe, Mesa, Phx., Chandler
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I have been going to a Dr. for pain medication I have had several surgeries, I have Disc Disease, list goes on. He had me on oxycontin 80 mg and oxycodone 30mg. Over the course of the years I was put on a very large quantity. Every dr. I call tells me to go to detox. There's a problem there are no beds opened in AZ. and I need to be on Pain medication to be able to wk. I am willing to switch I just need a dr. that will even see me. Someone please help.
Re: Pitagirl (# 40)
Agreed. Also from CT. Way different experience out here. They treat everyone like a criminal who is out for drugs and won’t pay the bill. Crazy.
Re: Angel (# 6)
I moved here from CT and take tramadol 50 gm BID. All i find is pain clinics that will treat the fibromyalgia. Can not even find a rheumatologist to handle my pain. Have 15 days of tramadol left. Went to a Neurologist and she said she doesn't handle fibro patients and to find a rheumatologist. I am 100% against the epi shots not even approved by the FDA due to stroke, blindness, paralysis and death, no way. Hope you found some doctor to help you. I took norco for years and pleaded with pm to put me on a non narcotic, so she put me on Tramadol 4 yrs ago. I am in a panic and not sure what i will do. Best of luck to you. Az medical sucks. CT is very different.
Check out sunpain. The dr’s There are pretty good about prescribing what’s necessary to help.
Bad news, the medical community stinks and are all wimps. If they would stand up for their chronic pain patients they would be doing what they took an oath for. I have lost all respect for 99 percent of all doctors. They have bought into the fake statistics. The problem is illicit drugs, etc., not chronic pain patients. I cannot wait till some of these stupid ignorant doctors get into a position where they need pain meds. What will they do? I’m truly tired of bad doctors! They might have a lot of book learning but no common sense!!!
Re: Cathy np (# 18)
Thank you for the info. I'm now looking for a pain Dr inPhoenix area. My previous pain Dr. (please don't think I'm dissing him) was quite old, he began to forget and get angry and verbally abusive about 9 months ago. I was going to change but before I could he became so angry with the insurance co. That on my last visit he began to project all of that anger and frustration onto me. He became so verbally abusive towards me I'm still in shock. He even told me if the pain was so bad I couldn't walk to crawl to the bathroom like an animal! I still haven't gotten over the shock of that. He then cut my meds to almost nothing and heartlessly discharged me. I have been so depressed and frankly scared to even look for another pain Dr. I don't know what to do. I think I will go see my primary Dr. and pray she can cover me until I can find a new pain Dr or I'm afraid I will die from this trauma. I have only about 1 or2 discs that aren't affected. A top neurosurgeon was going to place harringtonrods but I lost my insurance . Now I'm 68 and not a safe surgical risk. Pain meds is my only alternative. I can't / won't live like this much longer, I have lost the will to live and frankly living in the kind of pain I'm in isn't living anyway. I've never abused pain meds not ever. I just want to be able to walk to my car, shop for groceries, do ADLs and live my life. Is that an unreasonable desire, enough to justify being treated like an addict or criminal? Please, I will be grateful for any advise that can help me stay alive and WANT to stay alive.
Re: Jess (# 17)
Dr Kalmat at zona pain in spine in goodyear is amazing! He does all procedures in his office and will give you pain Rx.
Re: Happy (# 27)
That's my problem. I can't afford to take three years off n go on disability but I'm about to lose my job due to constant pain. Who is your Dr?
Sun pain management, Phoenix. They’re pretty good about their services.
Re: Happy (# 27)
What's his name number and address and does he accepts insurance..
Re: BP (# 28)
Is this Dr. located in mesa, az and does he or she accepts insurance or cash?
Re: Happy (# 27)
Who is your DR? My DR had been seeing me for over 8yrs and now stating tapering me off.
Re: Henny (# 23)
Who is your DR? That is the exact dose I need but was taken off this month
Re: Graciella (# 8)
Sorry to say ..,
Izenberg also lost his DEA # That was my prescribing physician and now I'm in the same boat as everyone else on this thread
I had good luck with an MD at Highland Medical Center...Dr.Lawrence Kramer. Cool guy...will even take medical marijuana patients, sometimes. He only remembers what he or his assistants write on the first couple be clear and he will be straight. The office staff is not the sharpest, at times. Ask him, first visit, to treat your chronic pain...have those m.r.i. & whatever else on paper that proves your pain. He had me back in 2 weeks to prescribe. I would still be there, but bad urinalysis result. Big oops.
Have you found a doc yet? I know someone that helped me but he is against disability but he will give you your meds
Believe me when I say "I understand". The simple truth of the matter is this: So many ppl abused the system for so long (obtaining pain meds when there was nothing wrong w/ them) that now the Dr's are running scared - can u blame them? After spending thousands of dollars and years in school and building a practice, every other patient is trying to get drugs to feel high on. And with the DEA coming into the Dr's office with the authority to pull their prescription writing abilities and close them down if one of their paitents is in fact only getting meds for recreational use and managed to fool the Dr, you cant blame the Dr's. However, there are those of us who are legitimate and need pain medication to function and we my friend are screwed. So the next time someone offers to buy pain meds from you...punch them right in the mouth. They make our lives hell.
Sun Pain, Phoenix. The Dr.'s are very understanding.
Henry, who is your Dr?? Where are they located.
What doctors in the phoenix area will prescribe pain meds?
My gastroenterologist said I need to see a pain management specialist but I don't know who to call...
Severe pain is destroying my life & my doctor won't prescribe anything over Oxycodone 10mg. I've gone thru inj's, ablation & they didn't work, only made matters worse. I'm needing better meds through an unrestrictive pain medication doctor in Arizona. I've been on 10s for a year. 120 a month just aren't enough with my long work hours! HELP ANYONE!!!
Amen to that. I as you need it and take as prescribed... I am thankful for my prescription and that it does knock my pain down a few notches! But, as always bad little Johnny and Janie ruin it for us, who use as prescribed!
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