Finding A Doctor


I was seeing a Dr. for 3 yrs. that was prescribing Adderall for me changed my life for the better ! The Dr. quit his practice and I have not been able to find a Dr. who will prescribe this drug ! I was taking a very low dose . I thought I would just do without and see how it goes's been 6 months and I can feel myself slipping into depression and lethargy much like I've lived my whole life and I know I don't have to feel this way anymore ! I exercise ..and overall take very good care of myself.

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Adderall is not used to treat depression and lethargy, it is used to treat ADHD and doctors are not going to prescribe it for you without such a diagnosis.

Have you tried antidepressants or therapy?

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before dr left his practice , did he not tell you beforehand, if so you an him should ve worked together to find another dr an he would ve send your medical records for reference, no dr is going to risk their licenses without records an prescribe their own tests

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