Find Imformation On Pills Oval Shaped White In Color Markings Are Rph 285x
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its white, oval shaped, rph 285x on one side , and an indented straight groove on the other

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Regarding my question concerning being unable to find the stool softener I wanted, we found it at QFC (grocery store chain). It's made by Kroger and works better in that it does not hurt your stomach, whereas all the other one's tend to irritate the stomach and esophagus. I think the red and white capsule has a much thicker coating on it so it can get to your upper G.I. before wearing off. Problem solved - hope that helped someone else ;)

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For a very long time, we purchased stool softeners that were oval shaped, red on one side, white on the other. We can't find them any longer and they were the very best.

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