Filling 8 Mg Dilaudid In Jax Fl
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I am 42 and have had JRA n osteo arthritis since I was 13, i have never had the problems get my meds until 6-7 months ago! i've had no relief n i'm cronic even disabillity cant help get them delivered n i get a check from fed gov, the DEA and FDA are on a witch hunt espically in Fl. Now i cant even get roxs or dilads n ive been on much stronger meds than this! what the @*#!

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Hi, I'm from Jacksonville, FL also. I know exactly what you are experiencing. I would recommend using one of the Good Neighbor Pharmacies. They are getting bullied, and you may have to stick to a 31 day cycle to fill your scripts, but they have been filling mine. I know of two, Duval Pharmacy on Dunn Ave. and Duval Pharmacy 201 on Normandy Blvd. I have heard that if you are not a current patient of a pharmacy, that they now have to send over some papers to your doc and have some kind of code sent back to them, so they can process your first script. I don't know if Duval is doing this, but I know Walgreens is. Good luck and I hope you get your meds soon. I know what agony is like! I have bone cancer now and also have severe arthritis, which I was supposed to have bilateral knee replacements and one hip replaced. I just can't dedicate the time in the hospital, due to my kids. People just don't understand how painful arthritis can be. I sure do! That added with bone cancer, some days are just horrible. Each step makes you want to cut your own leg off. (of course I am not crazy enough to do that, lol) Bless you and good luck with the meds.

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sir, I have infection in my stomach. When i lift some weight it pain my stomach. i have this props from last 3 years.
please tell me what to do

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Hello, Alexa! How are you feeling? I'm sorry that you've been suffering.

There are actually several issues that have arisen this year, which have caused the problems on the east coast.

One of them is due to the fact that pharmacies weren't abiding by the guidelines restricting how much of any controlled substance they can order in and keep in stock each month. The DEA has cracked down to make them enforce these limits, this has caused many pharmacies to have to create specific criteria on prescriptions they will fill, such as both the customer and doctor having to be within a certain radius of the store and etc. And additionally, once they are sold out for the month, there is nothing to they can do about it, since they can't just order in a fresh supply.

The next issue contributing to the problem is that most pharmacies are having trouble being able to get stock in, to begin with, because a very large distributor has been shut down. The amount of controlled substances that the pharmaceutical distributor was moving each month was brought into question, because they seemed to dispense far more than other, similar sized distributors.

I know this doesn't help you with your situation, I'm just explained what's causing the problems.

Do you have a pharmacy that you usually use regularly?

If so, then it might be easiest to talk to them about what they can get in and then talk to your doctor to see if they can prescribe that for you, until the situation is resolved.

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