Fill Zohydro Er
UpdatedI am having a hard time finding a pharmacy that will fill my zohydro prescription. What shall I do?
5 Replies
Ask your dr where his other patients are getting theirs filled. You can also ask the pharmacist if they know of any store in your area that carries it. You can also ask your regular pharmacy to order it for you.
I live close to nashville tn. And have a prescription for zohydro 15 mg. Anyone know where these can be filled? Have looked everywhere it seems.
Did you get it filled?
I LIVE IN NORTH ALABAMA CAN SOME ONE TELL ME WERE DO I HAVE TO GO TO GET 40mg zohydro filled I've looked every were!?? Someone please help
The best thing to do is if your hospital has a pharmacy try getting it filled there if not try to find a pharmacy around the same area around the hospital like in or near a hospital cos that is the best place to get pain meds filled cos they will have it better around the Hospital.
Good Luck!
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