Fibroslim (Page 2)
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weightloss pill

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I live in Toronto and ordered my fibroslim online on June 16th and my visa was charged on June 18th. The website states DELIVERY POLICY: 7 TO 21 BUSINESS DAYS DEPENDING OF YOUR LOCATION., so when my order had not arrived by July 20th, I emailed the company and received a response the following day telling me that my order had shipped on June 23rd and would take 7-21 business days. Taking this into account, my order should have arrived by July 22nd at the very latest, so when it didn't, I emailed again but received no reponse! On Monday, 3rd August after sending 2 more unanswered emails, I decided to call the number on the website, 1-450-430-8809 to threaten legal action. This number just leads to a call center for multiple companies, but after explaining my situation to Amanda on the other end of the line, she placed me on hold (so that she could contact the company) for about 3 minutes before coming back to me saying that company was working at reduced staffing levels and were exceptionally busy which is why they had not responded to my mails, but that they would send me out an express delivery at their expense. She then called me back within the hour to give me my tracking number and 3 days later my shipment FINALLY arrived after almost 8 weeks! I could have walked to Quebec faster!!! The pills are pretty big, and although the website mentions taking one capsule in the morning and one at night, the bottle tells you to take 2-4 pills 1 HOUR before each meal in English, but only 30 MINUTES before each meal in the French translation! Do French speakers have a better metabolism??? Anyway, I started taking the pills yesterday, but after finding and reading this site, I hold out little hope that they will work, but fingers crossed! I'll keep you posted!!!

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If you read my earlier posts, the only way to deal with this dis-reputable company is to report them to your credit card company, if in fact that is how you paid.

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Fibroslim is a scan - ordered on June 14 still haven't received product. Save your money.

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Fibroslim is a scan - ordered on June 14 still haven't received product. Save your money.

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Fibroslim=called the radio station that advertised the product in Toronto. Telephone down due to storm in Quebec. Site open now with a Montreal number. Received my product today. Will let you know the results .

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I ordered this product back in May..I have still not received it and I have not been refunded. They have stopped responding to my emails...DO NOT order this product.

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Hey guys,
Please do not buy any diet pills anymore, and specially women as it change the body chemical and you can lose weight first but when you stop you get it back and sometimes mores. As i told you these company are scam and if you think every body will pay $20 for express shipping you are stupid or you work for that company. Do not get scam anymore and lose all your money. Just use this money to do acupuncture as it can be done without needles, or hypnosis as it make your body heal naturally without side effect. If you are overweight instead of snack try to eat fruits, and balance your food. Stressing about what you eat make matter worst that is why you eat more. Try to do meditation or yoga and go for walks, as you must enjoy your work out not feel burden to do it. Women body is so different from man, it is more difficult. Before you go to sleep drink a glas of hot water with half a lime juice and in the morning a cup of green tea with half a lime again. Just enjoy life, be happy, as if we are happy our body stability is restored. I have tried so many pills, got one time scam, i do not want anybody to go through it. I have learn if you got a baby and cannot lose weight you must realign your organ as we give birth they tend to go down and make us have a jelly belly, so through acupunture they can do it now. Do any natural medicine to lose weight stop enriching these companies which i think is the same but just the name that change.

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I ordered Fibroslim on June 11th, 2009 and was charged right away on my credit card after a phone order was placed. When I got my bill in July, I called the phone number of DMC communications (the name it is billed under) and they said that my order was shipped a few days prior to that call. I called again today and the number is disconnected and when I went on their website, nobody answers the number that is listed there. I called my credit card company and did a dispute because it is now 7 weeks later and no sign of the fibroslim product. not order this product!!!

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Fat Wanda and

What Phone # did you or do you call to get Fibroslim?
Please share as many phone #s as you have - 800 or otherwise.


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I tried to call the 1-866-966-8809 and got the following message:
The number you called 072 8809 is being checked for trouble.

Does anyone have a different 800 # for them?

I ordered March 16, 2009. Did not ship until May.

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I thought the Fibroslim was a great product, it really helped me loose weight and the customer serivce people are always very polite and helpful. if you guys are having such a problem with receiving it maybe you should have just spent the extra 20$ for Express with a tracking number. I never had any problem receiving my orders with the tracking number. I think this product is great so it all depends on the person! I tried apidexin and I was constantly on the toliet and had horrible pains, it really wasn't good at all! Just thought I would let you know

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This company seems to be a total scam. I ordered the product back on June 7th and they immediately charged my card. However, it is July 20th and no product nor do they answer their e-mails. I called twice looking for my product and they told me it shipped June does not take a month to get to Wisconsin from Canada! Very unfortunate that this type of thing happens and innocent people get taken advantage of.

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this site has not been updated when I called the number to order the person told me not to order think about it and if I wanted to throw away my money to call back and speak to someone else. He said he has handled soooo many angry people he was tired of it.

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Hey guys,
I do think that these company are the same but they just keep on changing name. I have discovered that it you want to lost weight permanently and not lose your money on diets pills that may work but then when you stop you come back to your starting point. Try hypnosis or acupunture from a renown institution, you won't be sorry. I have done acupunture before for injury and the pain that i was suffuring for months went away just with one session. So as insurance reimburse i will do it for weight lost. Be careful with your money, too much scam, be careful with you credits cards as they are duplicating them now to stole money thanks god visa is insured.

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Further to my previous comment, when I contacted the company June 3. I demanded a refund after the product had not arrived. They advised that it had shipped on May 27th and that it would take between 7-21 days. When I told them that this was not acceptable they refused to refund, but as soon as I told them my next call was to Visa, their next comment was, Subject: Re: Payment Receipt: 2646 Confirmation from dmc communications

Your refund was done as of today and will appear within 72 hrs back on your card.Funny how one person has trouble with a company goes online and posts all the bad notes using how many different names and everybody thinks oh its a scam. If this was as bad as these people say it is why are there so many repeat customers? We regret the trouble that you have had. You never had any trouble getting responses with us,just wish it would have worked out better for you.

Thank you and regards
Customer Service

I then advised them of this site, and their comment was,
Doesnt matter what they say means nothing to us. We have our loyal customers that believe in our product and the negative press means that sadly they may have been in the little percentage that it didnt work for and they lashed out. We regret it doesnt work for all.
Thank you and regards
Customer Service

It is now July 5, my order was placed May 2, they advised it had shipped May 27 and nothing has arrived.

In my opinion, these people are predators preying on people.

Do yourself a favour and stay away from these people

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I'm embarrassed to say that I fell for this add. I placed an order 6 weeks ago (paid in FULL) and never did get my order. I do believe this is a 'scam' and I wish I would have looked it up before placing my order. I guess I just had a moment of weakness... they look for people like me.... I've called to have my money refunded and my gut tells me that will never happen. BEWARE of this scam!

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Hey guys,
I bought apidexin, and i have been taking it for two weeks now and all my craving for sweet has gone like magic as i use to eat a lots of them and all girl dislike this when getting their period and you pump up like a balloon but this month it ha not been the case as i am building lean muscle with it as it is important that the fat turn learn cause if not your skin will be loose and ugly. you must also get to the gym so it tighten up the muscle. We women when getting pregnant our abdomen and belly muscle becomes weak, that it is why you must not only lose weight but rebuild them stronger, that is why when we eat we seem fat. We all want to be thinner as summer is here but no pain no gain. I bought a 6 months supply of apidexin and the detoxufree which comes with it, For us canadian the price is a bite tuff as we have to pay custom and the exchage rate is killing, it is worth it. Just stay away from the free trial offers as they google money without any warning and to cancel it is a real pain so be careful don't go for the cheap cause it turn out to be a scam and it too be 20 phone call and two months to get the money they cut on my account back. Don't be fool by the diets pills they sell in the pharmacy as i sure tried a lots of it and every add in the magazine but fortunately i did not try hyrdroxicut cause it has been recall as it is dangerous. Do a little research first and buy a little quantity if it works you can buy more like i did. As for men it is so easy for you all to lose weight so whatever you take can works for you but we women are curse as it is very difficult.

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I am so glad I found this website before wasting my money. Thanks to all. I think I will be going to a Nutrition/Vitamin store instead to find a weight loss solution. Your comments on this website were much appreciated.

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Dose this Fibroslim work on men also or is it just women

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Ordered product after I received brochure. Credit Card was charged and over a month has passed, still no product. Just cancelled order. I don't know why they wasted their money on an add campaign, if they can't deliver. I wil be contacting VISA next.

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