Ferrex 150 Forte Plus Capsules
Updatedwhat are the exact amounts and ingredients in the capsule?
4 Replies
Ferrex 150 Forte Plus is a vitamin, folic acid and iron combination, containing:
Cyanocobalamin, Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Iron, and Succinic Acid.
To view information on individual capsule and tablet dosage, please follow the link below...
NOTE: you may need to scroll down to the center of the page.
If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back so I can further assist you.
I am taking Ferrex 150 Forte Plus Capsules. I want to know what is in them and the doses especially vitamin C. I would like to take additional vitamin C.
your listing shows active ingredients in ferrex forte 150, but what about non essential additives and artificial colors etc.? Would you please list those in ferrex forte 150.
Can a ferrex forte capsule be opened to remove half of the medication to reduce the dose by half?
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