Fentynal Patches Withdrawals
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Hi! Quick run down. I have been an addict for 15yrs. I was taking 25/10mg lortabs. I know that's not the worst there is at all but an addicts an addict, unfortunately. Now for the past 3yrs I have been on Suboxone and. during that time my original fybromialgia diagnoses turned to be actually lupus I also have many problems w my back, siatic included. All this pain was breaking through the suboxone, I know sounds impossible to some but it was. And to top off, my Sub Dr left his practice. So i figured subs weren't helping my pain and I felt strong enough and my life is great so I got off subs, opposed to a very expensive I am now being seen at PM. Dr prescribed me 10mg oxycodone.. it's a joke, because subs are extremely potent. I tried to get onto PM again (early) and if course I cant.. in my eyes they don't care nor understand. So here I am. The pain is so bad it truly takes my breath away and I am not functioning as I should be. Alsy
Here is my question and sorry so long. My friend gave me a 75mg fentanyl patch on fri, it's now sunday. And here's the addict in me and being desperate, my other gf said if you chew them they take pain away imediatly.. I'm not pulling the wool and some of you know how that goes.. So. Will I go through awful wd's after I finish this 2nd 75mg patch? I am cutting it in to small doses, not sure that makes a difference.. But can someone please tell me what I'm in store fore once I finish this 2nd patch? Also does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get into my PM clinic, so I can fix this issue? I want to be a good girl, hence the subs for 3yrs, I truly have been trying. I also need to be out of pain and that's legitimate!
Any help on these questions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading my novel.. I'm just so worried!! How bad am I looking at for wd's from these 2/75mg patches that I've been chewing. And any suggestions to get into PM before my appt? The front ladies just don't care!
Thanks so much!!!
2 Replies
Hi I'm interested enough to try. OK great job giving up dat chit for the Suboxone. So was there anything else you were taking that would have a negative synergy with running out of the Suboxone patches? If not, the wds are going to be more psychological than physical. Part II if you want to get into PM as quick as possible ask the hood ornaments in the front to call you with any cancellation they have. Next, if you haven't already totally burned the bridge with all kinds of crazy reasons and excuses call early one morning and tell them you are starting into wds add that the pain is effecting your breathing it hurts so much in your rib cage it hurts to breathe.
Hi sugar,
Just finished reading your post and am very sorry to hear about what you've been going through. When it comes to fentanyl withdrawals though, there are actually a number of related discussion threads here that may offer some added insight into what you can expect out of the withdrawal period. I went ahead and posted a link to one below:
As far as seeing the PM clinic early, it sounds to me like your best bet would probably be to call or go in each day in order to find out if anyone else has cancelled/rescheduled their appt. and ask if you can simply take their place?
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