Fentanyl Withdrawal After 36 Hours Of Use (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy mother was given a fentanyl patch (25mg/hr) after receiving radiation treatment for a cancerous tumour in her spine. When I discovered what a strong drug it was and that she was experiencing vertigo, I removed it immediately. I took this decision myself as I was unable to reach her doctor. She had worn the patch for just 36 hours. She had a peaceful night but has been shivering this morning. Could 36 hours of wearing a fentanyl patch be enough to give withdrawal symptoms? Is it okay for the withdrawal symptoms to die out on their own? I am still unable to reach her doctor. That is why I am posting these questions. I would be grateful for any advice.
4 Replies
It is a very potent medication, over 80 times stronger than Morphine.
However, I think taking it upon yourself to remove it may not have been the best idea. It is very effective for pain and the vertigo can be a normal side effect and wasn't really anything to worry about, unless she was losing consciousness, had shallow breathing or other danger signs.
Learn more Fentanyl details here.
And the symptoms she's experiencing now are probably from the radiation treatments, they may not be from the medication at all, since she was on it for such a short period of time.
I understand your concern about her using it, but she does need something for pain. What types of medications are you expecting the doctors to give her? There are none that are going to be side effect free.
I'm really concerned for your mother here.
No. Unless she was on some other opioid prior she wouldn't go through withdrawals. The tolerance effect is what causes withdrawal, and this build up effect does vary from person to person, but it doesn't happen in two days.
And there is a reason she was given fentanyl. It is an extremely effective pain medication, remains in the bloodstream, and doesn't require taking pills every 6-8 hours. Ppl use the internet and decide things on their own without consulting with the prescribing doctor first. This has become an insidious problem. If you felt it was too strong you should have consulted with her doctor before ripping it off. She was probably getting relief from the pain and all ripping it off did was eliminate any pain medicine she could have had.
But the effect of withdrawal usually takes anywhere from 2 weeks to a month of consistent opioid use and then an abrupt stop.
Will I get withdrawals from removing my first fentanyl patch 25mcg 18 hours after my first patch?
Read above comment. Dummy! U are onnahiet term so u should be fine.
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