Fentanyl And Xanax False Positive
UpdatedI supposedly tested positive for Fetanyl and Xanax on my first drug screen at my first appt. She says I wasn't under her care previously and she is not discharging me but I did not do either substances EVER. My pm doc prescribes Percocet 7.5 mg 3x a day. I also take Gabapentin, Zoloft, Buspar and Meloxicam and occasionally Trazodone and Flexeril. Not daily for those. I don't think it's likely that I tested positive for both of these substances and they sounded way TOO determined that I was guilty which didn't add up. I also have a 7 month old baby and only took pain meds for 2 days post C Section. After these major herniations + other issues I couldn't take the pain. Something was fishy sounding with how the girl that took my urine couldn't look me in the eye and her eyes got big when I mentioned having a hair follicle sample. Things don't add up. Oh and I requested a retest in which they actually saw my Zoloft in my system which I take every month and I told them this but never mentioned it the first time, that was not on my chart. I passed the test for benzos but she said the one for Fentanyl had to be sent to the lab for testing. It's the way she said it too. It's Pain Wellness MD of Kingsport. It's soooo very strange how they were acting and I am so angry and hurt and need this investigated ASAP! This shouldn't be on my medical chart.
2 Replies
Well I was discharged because they say my urine came up for fentanyl again. However I went to another lab the same day as my second test and had testing and it came up negative. They don't care about the proof. I KNEW something was not right with the people at their office. I have proof but an injunction to have my chart cleared is 5 figures cost wise. I have weaned on my Percocet and am doing great. I was actually only taking approx 2 a day. The only thing I wish for is there to be an investigation so this doesn't happen to others. I have been in chronic pain for years. I actually read that "some" places are doing this on purpose because of the insurance. They would rather have the CASH. I have found that this place has mostly cash based patients oddly. It seems like a DRUG place and I'm being 100% honest. None of the workers outside the DR wears makeup (I've noticed they are young and dazed). My NP graduated just over a year ago and so is younger than me. I pay attention to everything and they were acting so strange. My curiosity is really getting to me. It's PAINMD Wellness Clinic located in Kingsport TN. Everyone at the clinic waiting to be seen appeared very drugged. I had such an OFF feeling about this place, never distrust your instinct. I have researched so much into this and wish to God someone would investigate this place. All I can say is that I have PROOF of my innocence and know they were acting strange but how do I prove this was purposely done and why? All I want is my chart cleared and I have a baby.
It's the buspar. I'm looking at the print out of a fentanyl dip stick test right now and in the Analytical Specificity:
The following table lists the concentration of the compounds (ng/mL) that were detected positive in urine by The One Step Fentanyl Test Dipcard at a read time of 5 minutes.
Norfentanyl 40ng/mL
Fentanyl 200ng/mL
Buspirone 30,000ng/mL
Sufentanyl 50,000ng/mL
Fenfluramine 50,000 ng/mL
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