Fentanol 100 Patch
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I missed my apt. For refil on my oxy30 because I had flu. Must use what I have to get through until Tuesday when my next apt is. I have fentaynol 100 patches. What is the dosage of fentanol to make up for lack of oxy? Have been on oxy and fentaynol for years.

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Thank you so much! This new law in Florida is horrible. It allows for no exceptions. One must plan their lives around their pain meds new script dates. If you are too sick, too bad. If you are traveling abroad, too bad. Our governor campaigned saying he would veto the bill, then he signed it. Our Attorney General, Pam Bondi, thinks that law will stop clinics from passing out pills but has no compassion for the patients who have been effected. I'm so angry about this happening to me I could spit BBs.

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If you've been on both the fentanyl and oxycodone concurrently you should be just fine using the fentanyl alone as the doc prescribed it since the oxys are primarily for bt pain. You may have more pain then usual but the patches will hold you until your next appt. without any true opiate withdrawal hope that helps

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