Femilon Queries And Answers
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Hi. I am Vani. I started taking the pill on the 4th day of my period and completed 21 pills, but even after 4 days i have not gotten my periods yet... bleeding is there which is very light, like it can be ignored... Is it normal? And when should i start my next course of pills?

7 Replies

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Hi. I used the the 21 day course of femilon pills. It's been 4 days now and I still haven't got my periods, but I had intercourse two days after finishing the pills. So is there a possibility for me to conceive?

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I missed my 9th pill of femilon and took my 10th. This I realized on the 18th day. My 9th pill is still intact. What should I do as from the 10th till the 18th I have been consistent with the pills?

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I am a married woman with a right ovarian cyst and have been on Femilon tablets, but I missed one dose of it. What should I do?

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I have been advised to take femilon for 21 days, but after having it for 18 days continuously, I missed a pill yesterday. What am I supposed to do?

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I am trying to conceive, but my AMH level is high around 11.38 and I was diagnosed with pcod. My doctor prescribed me femilon which is a contraceptive, but what's the reason behind that?

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Ratan, yes, it can be normal for your periods to be lighter, and spotty, while taking hormonal contraceptives, according to the NIH. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, and PMS-like symptoms, and you should start your next course after a 7 day break.

Dolly, how long have you been taking it and how many have you taken?

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I have taken femilon tablets for irregular periods prescribed by my doc.. but I have not completed 21 days yet. So is there any chance of it delaying my periods?

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