False Positive On Drug Test For Methamphetamine (Page 8) (Top voted first)


Hi, i am voluntarily drug testing for CPS because my daughter's father (who had physical custody) passed away suddenly due to a motorcycle accident leaving her "without a legal guardian" I have a previous history of using Methamphetamine. I am clean now or so i thought. Yesterday my test apparently showed positive for Methamphetamine. I know i haven't used. So far i have only came up with two possible explanations.

1. I just had to serve my ex boyfriend with a domestic violence restraining order. To make a long story short, not thinking, I ate some fast food that he insisted on leaving for me. And the 2nd being a cold medicine that I just remembered. I took one pill approximately 2 maybe 3 days ago called ST. JOSEPH DECONGESTANT-FREE HBP. Is it possible that this medicine caused a false positive? Thanks in advance for listening and any insight.

154 Replies (8 Pages)

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Shannon, one of the main features of hair drug testing is that it has very low false positives so the prescription or over the counter (OTC) drugs won't show up. I wouldn't worry about a false positive for THC.

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I was asked by CPS to submit to an oral drug screen and I cooperated without hesitation. They said it was required if I were requesting visitation with my grandchildren. I also submitted to a background check (passed) fingerprinting (no offenses). Why? My daughter whom lived with her children In my household and whom was also on formal probabtion for a prior possession charge tested positive on her random drug screen and the children were removed from my home. When I submitted to the test I tested negative and was supplied a copy of my results. CPS later informed me that they had been notified per the laboratory that my specimen showed trace amounts of methamphetamine, below the cutoff. They are still 8 weeks later withholding my visits because of this false report. What recourse do I have?

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Re: Shayner (# 147) Expand Referenced Message

I think you can request to submit to a hair follicle test that will show most drug use within the last 90 days. Although you may have to pay out of pocket, if you truly haven't used that should show your innocence. Other than that you may have to hire a family law lawyer. Best of luck, I hope you get to see your grand babies!

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Hmmmm, that is very interesting. I have had 2 DCFS cases here in LA and in neither one of them was I required nor even asked to test for them. After a 6 year incarceration sentence I paroled and never was I asked to test for drugs...even as a delinquent juvenile getting out of juvi hall I never had to provide a urine sample...of course never in my life did I ever tell on myself or ever admitted to anything. I am 42 now and have zero drug charges; as a kid, the sheriffs found some zig zags on me but that's it. I sold drugs for over 10 years and drugs have been a part of my daily life as long as I can remember. It's too bad so many good people get caught up with things like that. Drugs don't make bad people by the way - bad people make drugs....

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If i have been really sick and takeing benadryl, Tylenol cold/flu, nasel spray, ondansetron, vicks vapor rub, robbitussin cough, tamiflu, all in the same week of taking a ua would it show positive for methamphetamine?

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Your screwed, the boyfriend is suspect, he may have slipped one in the food because of the domestic violence charge.

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Re: Expomed (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

If I had adderall in me and it showed up as methamphetamine, and he sent it to a lab, what will the lab show?

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Re: Nerves (# 152) Expand Referenced Message

Adderall should show up as amphetamine if it is confirmed by GC/MS which is the gold standard of urine or hair drug testing.

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Re: jade (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Sudafed can show a false positive for methamphetamine and so can Zantac, the prescription medication for heartburn.

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What county which test place here in imperial county I just busted cps for reporting two false positives. The said my grandson tested pos for morphone in a tezt from october, in jan for morphine and ixycontin

They changed the form the test results were on from one day to next. On tues said "morphone" on wed at court said "morphine"

I went ballistic who changed it?

CPS? County counsel? The lab? The test place cps uses in imperial county is owned by a reserve officer from Brawley.

I fought to get sampples retested they did not want to finally even judge said was fishy so they sent samples to get retestec ar another lab and guess what??THEY WERE NOT POSITIVE FOR OPIATES


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My husband is currently on the drug sweat patch. He has been sober approximately 19 months from methamphetamines. His occupation is a roofer. We just found out 3 of 6 of his last tests came back positive for methamphetamine at .2 (the smallest amount needed to set off th test.) Also, note that it was evrry other test and never 2 consecutively. Is there a medically sound way to refute these findings? The courts say positive is positive and he is looking at jail time. We have worked so hard at building s better life, so this is a devastating blow.

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Confirmation testing with GC/MS (Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry) *should* clear a false positive for meth. But how do you know the lab didn't mix up your sample with some other person's sample. There should be a chain of custody form you signed and/or initialed. Also the specimen jar should have had a security label that you also initialed and dated. If these steps weren't done then you might try disputing the finding.

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Was the test they gave you a rapid screening test or did they send it to a lab for testing? Anyway all false positive should be sent to a lab for GC/MS confirmation. GC/MS is the "gold standard" for drug testing whether it is urine, oral or hair drug testing. I am assuming you had a urine drug test. You need to request a confirmation test. If it was a rapid screening test like you can get at the store the St Joseph might have caused a false positive. I would need more info to give a better answer.

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When people call me I tell them about the only thing they can do is take a private hair drug test. A hair drug test is meant to show consistent use over time and is not like a urine drug test. I don't know if that would help. But it might, going forward, to show a new doctor that you don't have methamphetamine in your system. Also if it was a urine test done by a lab they should have done a GC/MS confirmation test. If they did not you might have some grounds for legal action.

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