False Positive On Drug Test For Methamphetamine (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Hi, i am voluntarily drug testing for CPS because my daughter's father (who had physical custody) passed away suddenly due to a motorcycle accident leaving her "without a legal guardian" I have a previous history of using Methamphetamine. I am clean now or so i thought. Yesterday my test apparently showed positive for Methamphetamine. I know i haven't used. So far i have only came up with two possible explanations.

1. I just had to serve my ex boyfriend with a domestic violence restraining order. To make a long story short, not thinking, I ate some fast food that he insisted on leaving for me. And the 2nd being a cold medicine that I just remembered. I took one pill approximately 2 maybe 3 days ago called ST. JOSEPH DECONGESTANT-FREE HBP. Is it possible that this medicine caused a false positive? Thanks in advance for listening and any insight.

154 Replies (8 Pages)

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A question would be, did they do a GC/MS confirmation test on the urine sample? If not those result can be considered invalid. As far as a blood test goes, I am sure you will be negative. A hair drug test is meant to show consistent use over time. A 1.5 inch sample of head hair will go back 90 days. You could always do you own Hair 5 Drug Panel to see where you are at but I am relatively certain you will be negative. A hair test is really good at isolating the drug metabolites therefore has a very low false positive rate.

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A level of 11,000+ ng/mL is a very high level for a false positive for any drug. Was a GC/MS confirmation test done. If not I would question the validity of the results. At that high of a level my gut reaction is that that was not a false positive but your bf actually is using. I would consider doing a Hair 5 Drug Panel test which would give your bf a better idea what is going on. A hair test has a very low false positive rate.

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Hi Thanks for your response. I'm not sure if this urine test was what you are referring to. The worker just told me that i tested positive for Meth and i overheard her tell someone to send it to the lab. I didn't mention St. Josephs to her because i automatically assumed my ex-boyfriend had put it in the food he brought me. I seen the medicine later and wondered if that could have caused the positive test. The social worker thought i was lieing about using. I'm so depressed.

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Hey Jade, I am not a doctor so I can't say for sure but adderall might cause a false positive for meth but usually would cause a false positive for amphetamine. But you are taking many different things so there might be some cross reactivity. You really need to consult with an MRO (medical review officer). An MRO is a doctor trained to interpret drug test results and make a determination if something is causing a false positive. For them to tell you they are not going to send it to a lab for GC/MS confirmation is just wrong. I have the EZ Split Key Cup II drug test and this is what the test instructions say about a positive reading "Configurations of the Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II can consist of any combination of the drug analytes listed above. This assay provides only a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method. Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are indicated." So, you need to stand your ground and insist on a confirmation test but it might be too late because they might have thrown out the remaining urine that would be used for confirmation. I doubt if a rapid screening test like that would hold up in a "real"court but if it is not a formal hearing the judge/magistrate might accept the results as they are so don't let them screw with you.

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I need help bad. I'm pregnant and i am a herion user. i went into hospital sunday march 15th. they called my program Monday saying i failed my drug test for meth with levels over 3000, I've never used meth.. I've been clean 14months. they want a hair foliculre test. today is it even worth it. need to know asap

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It might be a good idea to have a hair drug test done. IT is better at showing a history (or lack there of) of substance use. If you are POSITIVE you didn't use meth than a hair test might workout better. Did you fill out and sign a chain of custody form for the urine test?? If not the lab could have mixed up your sample with someone else's. I would request the lowest limits of detection hair drug test, it would work to your advantage if you are trying to prove you didn't do anything. My name on this forum is my company name. If they don't edit this out give me a ring.

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I'm dealing with almost the exact same situation ! Collectively DCFS doesn't have a single brain between them ! How did the situation turn out?

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A hair drug test is meant to show consistent use over time. A 1.5 inch sample taken from the scalp will go back approx 90 days. When you had the urine test done at TASC if it was a urine dip test like the ones you buy at the store they should have sent the remaining urine to a lab for GC/MS confirmation testing. GC/MS testing is the "gold standard" for drug testing and most likely would have been negative if you are telling the truth about any METH use. Agencies like TASC sometime get lazy and don't want to do the proper thing when it comes to procedure matters. I am in the drug testing business and tell people all the time that you cannot make a comparison between urine drug testing and hair drug testing. They are two completely different types of testing. Urine testing gives a short history of use, hair drug testing gives the longest history of drug use.

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Exomped, i am in a horrible situation because of a fase positive for methamphetamine. I had a cesarean section last month and was given medication that was confirmed by the doctor to cause false positives. My sons stool was tested and also was a false positive for methamphetamine. The hospital new they were at fault and didn't call cys(children youth services) , but my sons pediatrician did call cys even though he confirmed with my obgyn and a childrens doctor at the hospital that it was a false positive. Cys is investigating, they dont belive me and said he will call them and i signed a release for all medical records. I am mortified and upset they gave me that medication and to begin with, and now i could lose my children. I do not use drugs, i wouldn't even think of risking my children. Cys is treating me like a addict. Made me take one of the ez tests where you pee in the cup and its all setup for he results to come out. It of course was negative. The guy still doesnt belive me, he doesn't belive in false positives and said i used meth so i need to deal with the consequences. If you have advice or a helpfull opinion please reply, im scared, worried and i know i couldnt live without my children.

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You might seek out the help of an MRO. A Medical Review Officer is a doctor trained to tell why a person might get a false positive. They have an association web site (aamro.com) that you can look for a MRO in your area. The only other thing might be to do your own hair drug test which would prove you aren't addicted to methamphetamine.

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Adderall is amphetamine so it correctly should give a positive for amphetamine and would not be considered a "false" positive. Adderall is not methamphetamine but is closely related and many of the "screening" assays performed in the workplace or as the first line testing in a hospital will will give a positive result for methamphetamine test due to its reactivity with the amphetamine (Adderall) if the level is high. The manufacturers instruction sheet details at what level of amphetamine you will start to see false positives for the methamphetamine test. They recommend all positives should be verified by another test called gas chromatography/mass spec (GC/MS). This second test is often only performed at large toxicology labs and the initial testing lab has to send them away to get this testing done at significant additional cost. This testing can sort out whether the methamphetamine result is correct (true positive) or is possibly due to cross reactivity with amphetamine(false positive) or some other substance that is not methamphetamine. Any good testiong protocol should include verification of the initial test by the GC/MS test as recommended by the test kit manufacturer. DEpartment of Transportation and the military testing protocols require conmfirmation testing for all positive results as well as review of testing results and patient medications by a "Medical Review Officer" (MRO) who can interpret the test results and make sure faslse positives are identified and notheld against the person being tested.

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The only way our hair drug test will detect adderral is if the sample skips the screening process and goes straight to confirmation (GC/MS). The cost to do complete screening and GC/MS confirmation is less than eight dollars. If the normal hair drug testing process (screening then GC/MS if necessary) adderral won't show up in the AMP category. She definitely needs to consult with an MRO.

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I was wondering what happened after you had the baby did they give you a chance to raise your baby ?

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My son has been wearing a drug patch for almost eight weeks and also doing medtox urinalysis on random call daily determined each morning.

unexplainably, he has consistently passed every urine test but was told today that he has been testing positive on the patch for Meth.

son swears he has done zero drugs for over two months. Assuming something is causing a false positive.....Sudafed, or Tylenol,etc. no prescribed drugs at all.

is a hair test the way to resolve the discrepancy?

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A hair drug test is meant to show consistent use over time. A 1.5 inch sample, cut at the scalp line, would go back 90 days. There are very few false positives using hair testing. You might do a search online for terms like "false positive rates for the drug patch test" and see what turns up. If it was a urine test are you sure they didn't mix up his sample with some other person's sample. At this point a hair test is about the only thing that might give you an indication of what is going on.

One thing to look at is contacting an MRO. A Medical Review Officer is a doctor trained to interpret drug test results and say why something was false positive. You can look up an MRO in you area by checking their association web site at aamro.com. Look for link that say "find an MRO in your area" or something like it.

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Good to hear everything worked out for you. I deal with a lot of hair drug testing situations etc... I've hair drug test people from newborns to the deceased and most of them don't have such a great ending. I think it will be real nice, peaceful Christmas for you and your family. Keep the faith.

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My girlfriend just tested positive for meth and we can't find out why she was just in the hospital having a baby I've been with her for 8 years and we don't use meth we need all the help we can get thanks we know it's a false positive how can we get a retest

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You didn't mention if it was a false positive for a urine test or hair drug test so I will assume it is a urine test. If the urine test was a dip test, like you use at home, it might be possible to have more false positives. The "gold standard" of urine drug testing is done by the method of GC/MS lab testing. If the lab didn't use GC/MS testing shame on them. If there is any urine left over from the last test you can insist on a full lab test using GC/MS. Did your girlfriend sign a chain of custody form for the urine test? If she didn't the lab/hospital/company doing the testing might have mixed up her specimen with someone else's specimen. She should have also initialed a specimen seal the should be put on the actual container used to hold the urine specimen. Always get a copy of the chain of custody form. I provide one with every hair drug test.

A hair drug test is meant to show consistent use over time. A 1.5 inch sample of hair, cut at the scalp line, will go back 90 days. There are very few false positives with hair drug testing. My recommendation would be to contact an MRO. An MRO (Medical Review Officer) is a doctor trained to interpret drug test results and say why there might be a false positive. You can look up an MRO at their association web site at aamro.com. You can also do you own hair drug test. It is not all that expensive and the results can be used in a court proceeding.

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Hi. People are so set, she did it I did a 12 panel in home test and she still came up positive would a hair test show she is not guilty of what she is being accused of and we don't know how to go about a retest or where to go.

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I'll tell you what I usually tell people who CALL ME with the similar situation and that would be at this point a hair drug test is about your only hope to prove you (she) are not using drugs. It sounds like something they gave her at the hospital caused a false positive. That is why an MRO is good at figuring out what might have caused a false positive for methamphetamine. Most likely she would be negative on a hair drug test because a hair drug test is good at rejecting false positives.

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