False Positive On Drug Test For Methamphetamine (Page 6)


Hi, i am voluntarily drug testing for CPS because my daughter's father (who had physical custody) passed away suddenly due to a motorcycle accident leaving her "without a legal guardian" I have a previous history of using Methamphetamine. I am clean now or so i thought. Yesterday my test apparently showed positive for Methamphetamine. I know i haven't used. So far i have only came up with two possible explanations.

1. I just had to serve my ex boyfriend with a domestic violence restraining order. To make a long story short, not thinking, I ate some fast food that he insisted on leaving for me. And the 2nd being a cold medicine that I just remembered. I took one pill approximately 2 maybe 3 days ago called ST. JOSEPH DECONGESTANT-FREE HBP. Is it possible that this medicine caused a false positive? Thanks in advance for listening and any insight.

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hey paige , read my post #99 in regards to GC/MS testing. If they didn't do a confirmation test using GC/MS you should insist on a retest, preferable of the original sample. If they don't have the original sample ask them for a new test and make sure they do a confirmation using GC/MS. Also see post #74 for MRO info. An MRO is a doctor who can read drug test results and give an idea what can be interfering with a drug test. Hope this helps.

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I was told I had to show Percocet in my urine so I peed in a cup, just a dripple with my synthetic urine. Will methamphetamine show up?

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I was told I had to show Percocet in my urine so I peed in a cup, just a dripple with my synthetic urine. Will methamphetamine show up?

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Can Bupropion and Zantac 75-150mg make u test positive for methamphetamine and if so can a confirmation test get to the bottom of it?

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When i have a urine or swab test done, it is showing i have methamphetamine in me & I don't do any kind of illegal drugs. I'm in need of a Pain Management Dr & I have 2 Dr's that turned me down because they say my urine & swab test shows im doing methamphetamine.

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I am prescribed Adderall 20mg 2x daily and also Methocarbamol once every 4 hours for a back injury. If I were to take an 11 panel drug screen will these medications test positive for methamphetamine? And if so, what more is done with the urine sample even after I prove my medication prescriptions are from my MD?

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My mom took a drug screen for cps and failed for methamphetamine. I need to find out what meds it was that she took to cause a false positive.

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First off I would take a look at what meds she is currently taking. Then you might try to get a consultation with a Medical Review Officer. An MRO is a doctor trained to interpret drug test results and say what might be happening. You can look at their association web site aamro.com to find an MRO in your area. Look for a link that says "Find an MRO". Also you might consider taking a Hair 5 Drug Panel test. A hair test has a lower false positive rate.

If that was a urine test they should have done a confirmation test using a GC/MS. You might ask them if they did a GC/MS test. Doing a GC/MS test should be standard procedure but a lot agencies aren't very smart or just plain lazy. If they didn't do a GC/MS test you might have some legal recourse. In that case I would contact a lawyer.

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I had to take my fiance to the ER today. She passed out and never woke up. Well I talked to the ER doctor and he said she had everything but coke in your system. Methamphetamine, methadone and every pain pill there is. I'm confused as we are around each other 24/7. We do take percocet and xanax but the methadone and methamphetamine I don't know. I do take fioricet and trazodone and I heard that floricet can give a false+. Can someone help please?

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Sorry to hear about your fiance. It sounds like you need to consult with a toxicologist. The ER doctor should provide a complete list of what was in the system and how much was detected. That is the only way you will know what is going on.

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I take spiriva, albuterol, symbicort and ventolin, and a hair test showed methamphetamine. I took my 5 yr old grandson I'm raising and want to know how I can get proof if my meds caused the test to be wrong? I don't do drugs at all.

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I recently took a drug test for probation and it came back positive for methamphetamine. The only medications I am on are Zantac, Trazodone and Lexapro. Help?! Will have to do two years in prison if it's not proven that my medication causes a false positive?

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Amber, read my post #74. If they didn't do a confirmation test they leave themselves open to legal action. I would recommend a hair 5 drug panel test. Hair testing is the best a rejecting false positives.

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I tested positive for methamphetamine after taking sudafed and benadryl. Would either cause this in a urine test?

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Can dental adhesive give a false reading for methamphetamine on a mouth swab? I recently got upper and lower dentures which ooze.

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I was tested twice for pain prescription refills and they said I tested positive for methamphetamine. First the urine test then my mouth was swabbed. What could cause these false positive tests?

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I am wondering if pseudoephedrine might show a false positive for amphetamines or methamphetamines?

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My mom is 64 years old and battling with lupus and now kidney failure. she has medicine she takes for both and in addition she was being treated for her chronic pain and was being prescribed lortab 10/325 for her pain because she has alot of health issues. She takes valium as well and other medicines. she recently came down with the flu and took her albuterol inhaler and then took a vicks inhaler she informed her PM clinic that she was sick and also told the doctor she has been going to for years what she took and never failed a drug test in her whole life. for some reason the doctor comes in and says she failed for methamphetamine and my mom thought they were messing with her and they said no we are serious and the doctor and nurse were shocked and they know my mom would never do such a thing so they retest her and she fails again! My mom is sitting in the office crying her eyes out and just in shock and the dr looks at her and says we are just as shocked as you are and we have to let you go! So now my mom in the hurt and pain she is in is basically labeled now and so she went to her dr prior that got her into the pm dr and they knew something wasnt right so they gave her enough meds to get through until they could get her into another clinic and finally they found her another place well she goes to this doctor and my mom read up on the internet how people have failed before for taking a inhaler and using vicks. she tried to explain to the new dr and the dr looked at her and said with a smart ass voice im sorry but the only way you can fail for methamphetamine is if you take it! I mean come on, my mother has 23% of her kidneys working and my sister was murdered in 95 and was shot twice with a deer rifle and died in my others sister lap while she was 14 at the time and my sister left behind a 4 year old that my mom raised and the ones who killed her only got one year in the county jail! She never turned to drugs, she kelp strong and god by her side, and my mom was a strong god loving mother who kelp the family together and has never took a drink of alcohol in her life and never has smoked a cigarette or nothing! She has never been labeled this and she doesn't know what to do and don't know how we can get this off her record because this is now with her no matter where she goes to a dr! If the PM clinic knows my mom and knows she would never do such, why didn't the pain management doctor do a break down of the drugs that she takes and the inhaler and vicks and see that was the reason why she failed? Why didnt they send it off to the lab? I mean come on. If anybody can help us and can answer my questions and see what i can do to help her please let me know. She is in pain and i dont know what options i have. I dont know if i can get in touch with someone about writing a letter or what rights does someone have? I just need answers. Thanks!!

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My first advice would be to contact a lawyer who knows about drug testing. Maybe a lawyer who deals with work place drug testing issues. My next advice is to get a consultation with a Medical Review Officer (MRO). A MRO is a doctor trained to interpret drug test results and say (or testify) why something might be false positive. You can do a search for one at aamro.com. If they did a urine test on her and they did not do a GC/MS confirmation test the lawyer should be able to hammer them pretty good. A GC/MS test is the gold standard for drug testing and would have given the complete picture of what is going on. The other thing you can do is a Hair 5 Drug Panel with Extended Opiates test which I am sure she will be negative for methamphetamine. A hair drug test is meant to show consistent use over time. A 1.5 inch sample, cut at the scalp line, will go back 90 days.

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I take prozac, trazodone, geodon, hydroxyzine and benadryl, all prescribed by my doctor. I got a Biotech drug test for work and somehow i came out positive for bup and methamphetamine. Can u explain?

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