False Positive For Amphetamines/methamphetamines (Top voted first)


Is it possible norvasc could cause a false positive for amphetimines/methamphetimines on UDS? My husband just failed his drug test at work and swears he is not abusing illegal drugs. He takes norvasc, ranitidine, and loratidine. Please help me. I've been googling over and over and without luck. Thank you.

5 Replies

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I go to a methadone clinic and I take benadryl for sinus issues. I keep failing my drug tests for amphetamines its crazy. I hate speeding. I'm an opiate patient not proud of it but it happened and I've been doing great. I don't understand wth is going on, they look at you like your full of s*** when you tell them I'm not doing anything wrong. The worst part is you lose all your phases that you have worked so hard to get for crap you know you didn't do it. I told them I want a complete break down of my urine test and I want to see it.

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Yeah trip on this I'm taking a drug test Monday for employment okay so I was out of town for another job did a field test wallmart test so positive for meth????? So I get home like wtf I don't mess with it went and got two more test so I tested again and once again I fail so im taking rannatine for heartburn so Im shocked so my mom says hey your father is on the same thing so I drove to moms had dad literary piss in a cup and guess what he also tested positive for meth my father is retired and don't use drugs so I hope this helps you out and this is all true so I'm taking my script for doc with me and it will all go good

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I am on probation, and have tested positive for methamphetamine, which was my drug of choice. But have been clean for 7days, yet I am Still coming up dirty. I read that someone had come out dirty and had been taking ranitidine. I have been using over the counter ranitidine, but large amounts of it. I usually take omeprazole by prescription,but ran out a couple of weeks ago and just got the other instead because I couldn't afford to get the script at the time. I have a very painful thing called gastritis and ranitidine will work in a pinch but I have to take 3 or 4150mg. at a time 2 or 3 times a day if it's really bad. Has anyone else ever heard of it causing a positive reading for methamphetamine from a u.a.? I called a pharmacist and asked him. He hadn't heard of it, but he did say that ranitidine was in the same family as antihistamines? I'd appreciate any feedback! I know at least one other person on this site knows about it because that is why I am writing. Thanks again.

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Norvasc is considered a channel blocker, Amphetamine is a stimulant. The only drugs that I know that give you a positive for methamphetamines are Narcotics which actually contain Amphetamine (usually used to treat adhd). Adderall is pure amphetamine/dextroapmhetamine salts and cause a positive on a drug test (I dont like to say it causes a false positive because you are actuslly taking pure amphetamine which imo makes it a flat out positive lol). Vyvanse is another one that contains amphetamine.

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Is it normal for a nasal decongestant to make my amphetamine level 858 ng/mL (according to the test)...when a "consistent" reading with my prescribed medication is <250 ng/mL? This doctor is going to think I'm full of bologna!

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