Evion 600 For Removal Of Stretch Marks (Top voted first)


i m 22 years old male and continue my gym exercise daily but i have many stretch marks on my both hands biceps. someone suggest me to take evion-600 for remove the stretch marks from my biceps. my chemist say that evion 600 contain vitamin e and i read an article on vitamin e but it scares me that it may be dangerous and may increase the possibility of bleeding in body please suggest me should i take this or not for remove my stretch marks. i m so worried because of my stretch marks please suggest me that what should i do for remove the stretch marks from my biceps.

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Hi Mohit! I know this is an older post, but , I came across it. U know what's suppose 2 b good 4 stretch marks, Bio Oil? U can probably get it at Walmart or pretty much a lot of stores

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Hi mohit,

The presence of stretch marks simply indicates a sudden loss or gain of weight in that specific region of your body; causing the epidermis to contour to the new circumference of your skin. It essentially has to stretch to conform until you stop growing.

If you are one who exercises regularly and eats a clean/healthy diet, they should eventually fade on their own without the use of any supplements. However, I've noticed personally that stretch marks can be quite common when you're constantly putting on more muscle at the gym. So it's really not something you'd have to live with for an extended period of time if you didn't use supplements.

Hemp seed oil is another beneficial oil for stretch marks as well as a variety of other skin conditions. This may also be something to look into using after your workout sessions.

Have you thought about trying a lower dose of vitamin E, to help avoid excess blood thinning?

You can learn more about this vitamin on the page for Vitamin-E Details

I hope this helps!

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