Epleptin Pollygam
UpdatedI am 80 years old. In 1996 I had an oesophegal cancer removed.. In 2004 I was diagnosed with CLL (Chronic Leukemia)
I had chemo. My blood counts related to that have now been normal for a couple of years. I have had a suspicious thyroid removed in 2 bites. I had my gall bladder removed about 7 years ago. I have a arterial tremour. I have very uncomfortabl peripheral neuropathy in both legs.
I take Epleptin 300 at night and 100 in the morning. Also Alfluin, eltroxin cardicor warfarin ,I take tripelin 30 at night. I have a 6 weekly infusion of Pollygam. For pain I take Tramahexal 50 but it knocks me out so I put up with pain in the day time. I get occaisional constipation I take Movicol or Dolcolax for that.
I think I am generally in good health but I am forgetfull. I can still push the mower but only for half an hour at a time.
Does this sound like sensible treatment
1 Reply
Hello alan,
What a roller coaster of misfortune. Simply by the fact that your medical professionals have been able to catch these issues so early and succesfully treat you is amazing in itself. While I am not a medical professional it seems to me that your medical staff is doing their best to provide you with the best options available to you. With such a tricky medical history it can be hard sometimes to prescribe medication and provide treatment that will not aggrivate your body.
I am happy that you find yourself in good health and I believe it's not unimaginable that at 80 years young you tend to get more forgetful. I wish you the best and that your medical staff continue to do their best to take care of you as best as they can.
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