Endocet Vs Oxycodone (Page 3) (Top voted first)



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why is she experiencing more pain after taking Oxycodone 10mg (no Tylenol). versus taking Endocet 10 / 325?
Is the Tylenol making the difference?
Because Oxycodone by itself is making her feel much worse..

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So I guess we can all agree that everyone's bodies are different, and the only person who can really decide what's the best for you is yourself with of without the guidance of a medical professional.

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Well put my friend. I just got switched from norco over to these & since the norco are no longer made by Watson 10/325 but instead by Actavis & let me tell you ( there are many threads regarding this topic on this same site & many others). Actavis bought Watsons company & name out, which not only all Watson medications are now made overseas by Actavis. The crooks, moved out of the US & all the way all to Ireland, to avoid having to pay US taxes. Any fortune 500 company that would do this devios & desperate act to feed their greed for money over quality health products, you can vet would make serious negative medications now, because THEY CAN!! ( ACT in the stocks ) I never wanted or thought of switching over from norco to these but my pain was only getting worse & I thought since I finally found the Endocet brand of hydrocodone ( norcos ) to be as close to the real old Watsons in quality ( which Actavis claims they only removed the yellow dye, then I heard from another pharmacist @ Actavis that they didn't research it enough before they launched it ) Im telling you all now that all Watson brand medications still are imprinted w/ the same imprint required by the FDA & the same look, but are now made by a bunch of money hungry crooks ( ACTAVIS) & all us chronic pain sufferers have to pay the price for this bulls***! I'm sure the govt. Is in on it as well,( hello ya crooks ) So upon my doctor having changed my medication as mentioned, I thought their brand of percoset would be good also, so I asked my family pharmacist to order the endo brand of the percoset the doctor put me on, dropping one pill, because she was saying it was because it's twice as strong, which I now learned the hard way is BS & you must make your doctors aware of this, I know I will!! Its such a bunch of BS. Who can afford name brand, especially w/ no insurance.. I've bent over & risked my life to serve this country & all my forefathers ahead of me as well, not asking for a violin, but ya would think, I could get a lil respect & get decent quality medication for my hard earned pay! I'm also an organic chemist & you had the best comment this is why I thought I would post this here for all to see & be aware of, it's a damn shame they can get away w/ it to. Pharmacist gave me the bottle to show to my doctor, because in small print on original manufacturer bottle. it even says, oxycodone is not 10 Mg, but 8.37 in near equivalency, so they even admit that & this is where it can be also less than 20% of this number so a 10 Mg endocet is actually a five milligram & their more expensive than the Amneal brand which low & behold worked MUCH better, being they ordered the endo brand in I got a weeks worth of the amneal brand & though their generic norcos are NO GOOD their Generic percoset are much better. Endo, or now " Vintage PHARMACEUTICALS", use to be one of the best, but they are now crap in effectiveness & their quality is very poor. I'm going to show my doctor the company bottle & hopefully either try something else or go back on the norco. I put all my meds in a monthly counter & don't take more than prescribed, even w/ the severity of my injuries, so I just have to suffer. I could be on stronger meds, like pure oxycodone which actually I got a few 15 Mg ones of ( to try very $$$ Rx) & they helped me for over 6 hours, when two endocet did no do s***, I'm sorry to ramble on & I'm on my android so my hands are tired, just has me very upset & I'm now left in great pain. My boss even asked me what seems to be wrong, & not sure what to tell him, but he is a good man & would understand. I do my job ok, but need some relief or I'm no good & can't concentrate but on the pain!!!!!! I wish all true pain sufferers the best & may we all find something, that allows us to at least get the edge off to allow us to live more productive & better lives!! Mahalo to you all here from Hawaii & I wish you all well. Stay away from these overseas medications, especially the India folks, they are terrible chemists & very limited to the inert ingredients as any place is & no matter where you go, the resources of each area is different, so this also like the man spoke of is an issue. Again good luck to you all, hope I shed some light on this 4 you all!

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Quality vs Quantity !
Brand Percocets are in a league of
they're own.
It's like comparing Professionel Football
with College Football .
Some say they're both just football !
Is they're a difference ?
I'll leave that up to you.
Since my expierience would just be
considered as an opinion.

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No I have to disagree you could blindfold me give me endocet and then when it was time for my next dose give me the oxycodone and I could tell you which was which just by the pain relief I recive... all in all the same maybe in composition but not in actual relief....

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I take it back.. I'd rather have the Endocet over the Mallinckrodt brand any day. That stuff makes me so nauseous. Will be going back to Endocet next month.

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Wow! Try to get to the bottom of these generic brands...ok, what I found was that, I am taking a generic brand of Percocet. They are made by a German Pharmaceutical company,RATIOPHARM INC. (generic TEC imprint) and then bought by a company called Teva, in Ontario, Canada. For me these work much better than Endocet.

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Trish, you are absolutely correct! I am SO SORRY that comment was made! Some people should never leave comments! I have never judged ANYONE on any kind of controlled substance! Not even an addict! It's none of my business why people take the meds they do unless they are my patient and I still don't judge them for it! It's very easy for people to do when they have never had to endure chronic pain for any reason! You cannot judge another persons pain.....2 people with the exact same disease/injury can have 2 totally different levels of pain! I swear, we are treated like if we had a choice we would still take these awful meds! I would love to be able to enjoy my life, pre-injury, without meds, but that is never GOING to happen so I can only do the best I can day by day.
I understand people emotional pain and anger towards drugs, even legal ones, but it doesn't give them the right to judge everyone! Again, I am so sorry. I hope you are feeling better and your prognosis is a good one!

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Endocet is ceasing to be available NOT because it isn't available, but because the manufacturer charges more for it than Watson and other generic manufacturers charge for their oxy/apap versions.. I'm having to switch Medicare Part D plan to a company that reimburses more for generic oxycodone/apap. My current one pays $136/180, there are several that seem to pay $174/180. My pharmacist was losing $11/bottle over his cost.

I recognize most with traditional employer health plans don't have that option. I think the only option is to harass the insurer (yeah, lots of luck) to reimburse actual cost, not some contract rate made up a year ago.

Part of the problem is that because it is the same manufacturer as Percocet, drug addicts seek out Endocet, on the theory that they are identical. That wasn't my experience, but after good luck with Endocet, when I took Percocet for a zillion dollars more a pill and I didn't start laying golden eggs, it just didn't seem worth it.

I FEEL like I do better with Endocet than Percocet (again, no golden eggs). Watson feels like half an Endocet, some of the others feel like less or even very expensive sugar pills. I personally find it fascinating that some do better with Endocet, while others vehemently prefer Watson.

The gene for the liver enzyme that metabolizes oxycodone is one of the most variable in the human body, slow metabolizers, fast metabolizers, even ultra fast metabolizers are VERY common. 22% of Norwegians have problems with oxycodone due to altered metabolism. I suspect a small variation in formula could make those variations worse. I have no evidence to think this, but I suspect generic manufacturers fudge their batches, putting in a few less percent here and there when they no there is no inspector around. Perhaps they're cheaper because it really is quality control..

In a number of supplements and meds, various isomers of the active ingredients make a BIG difference. We've all heard of L-DOPA, but no one hears about D-DOPA. Same molecule, just mirror image arrangement. Sometimes our bodies only like, or accept, one configuration. In another example, the L (left) isomer of a plants fragrance smells like mint, the D (right) isomer smells like caraway. Adderall gets screwed with now and then with some fudging of the isomers. I suspect our various genetic differences make one or the other better for some of us, but nothing in the literature says oxycodone has to be 60% L isomers and 40% D isomers (or whatever), so cut-rate companies make whatever, not identical molecules to what is in percocet.

Since there is variation in what's good for whom, in studies we cancel each other out and it looks like all oxycodone/APAP generics are the same. Hopefully, as we get more genetically personalized medicine this will get worked out (my full sequencing was supposed to be done 2 yrs ago and I'm still waiting--computers aren't always all they are cracked up to be).

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I think she would be okay with the u/a because percocet is oxycodone and tylenol and endocet is oxycodone and tylenol too. The only difference is in the strength which wouldn't matter they are just looking to see if the drug is in her system and to see if any drugs that she has not been prescribed are in her urine as well.

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First of all, I do not regularly take opiates. Until yesterday, I hadn't been written a prescription for over six months. However, when I have a legitimate reason to be prescribed an opiate based medication I make certain to tell the doc to prescribe percocet if they bother to ask and if they don't and tell me they're going to give me a scrip for "Lortab" or hydrocodone, I tell them oxy or percocet is more effective and they don't argue since I don't abuse opiates and if they're prescribing in that class of narcotics already, it makes no difference to them which one they prescribe. That said, if the opportunity to get a scrip for percocet presents itself, I make sure I get it because I do like it and it is some solace for legitimate pain...this time for a gum infection due to a broken root canal tooth. However, for the first time I was given Endocet 5 instead of the usual oxycodone I'very always previously been given...and, in fact, from the same pharmacy on a couple of occasions. Didn't think much about it as when I looked it up, it was said to be generic percocet...same as oxycodone from my understanding. That said, I wouldn't be reading this forum if I didn't have cause to wonder if there is, in fact, a difference. Because while I don't regularly use oxycodone, I sure as hell know what it's supposed to feel like and this ain't it. Like I don't feel that mellow, no worries high at all. I may as well be taking hydrocodone for as little affect as this Endocet is having. And I don't think it's in my head because I'm lucky to get a scrip for Percocet once a year, so I don't have a high tolerance. I don't know anything about the chemistry or compounding methods of the different brands, but I've had oxycodone enough to know this stuff is weak...like even after 3 5s, no floaty feeling and trying to get there, I've now got to seriously ration what's left or I'll be our long before the infection clears. So that's my two cents.

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Mark, I'm sorry & not sure how to gently say this but you are simply WRONG. I have been taking a WHITE pill generic for Percocet with no problems now pharmacy slipped by us a YELLOW Endocet and my body is reacting violenty, constant severe headache & severe nausea. You simply do not know what inactive ingredients are being used in each medication. (Food coloring? Hence the yellow color?) And more importantly you do not know how something is going to affect one person from another. If you don't have food, chemical & other allergies & sensitivities great for you - but please pause before telling others 'it's all in their minds'.

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I agree

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Thank You Genie you are telling the true. I have pins and plates in both my legs and nothing works, but they want to try something else all the time. I have a appt: July 26th I"m tired of the pain, but I'm tired of feeling trapped by the feelings I have when I don't take the meds. My name is Mary E.

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I have been taking Percocet generic form Manufacture named Mallinckrodt for a long time for chronic lower pain.(white tablets. Rite Aid switched to Endocet (possibly cost control) which were yellow tablets instead. When I took Endocet 10mg I noticed they were LESS effective in controlling my pain very weak form. Also no pain relieve. I told pharmacist that I would like to exchange for what I have been taking right along and they could not do it because it was against the law. So now I have to suffer for 3 more weeks for a new prescription and told me to tell doctor to put me on the manufacture that gave me better relieve. Endocet suck in pain control.

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Well I have permanent nerve damage and require daily meds to make it through everyday. I am upset with people like you who think solving a problem for a few means others should pay so your son didn't have to be responsible for his own actions it is always easier to blame someone or something else other than the person with the problem. Sorry for your loss but pain meds them self are not responsible. I will hope you can live never needing pain meds but I doubt it. I should not be punished and made go to a hospital to take care of my problems. My condition will never heal and only get worse so I am thankful that I have help so I don't want to die everyday. The majority should never pay for the few!!!!

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I Agree. I was in a car accident about 6 monthes ago and had to start taking Percocet every now and then the pharmacy wont have 120 10mg percocet in so they give me endocet, they work exactly the same. I was never a big pill taker before, but now that i have to take them daily i reaserched this the first time they switched them. I hope to get my back fixed soon and not have to take any, but be it percocet or endocet they both work well for me. Look everyone it's just a different name and shape, It's in your mind

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I am using oxicodone 10/325 and was given Endocet 10/325 instead. The Endocet makes me extremely sleepy and lethargic but I don't feel that way with the Watson brand Oxicodone. There must be a difference in some ingredient that does not agree with me.

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Wow. Thank you for your political input.

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I've been taking percocet 10/325's for a number of years for chronic nerve damage. They are my breakthru meds. Not to exceed 3 per day. I also take 10 mg Oxycontin twice a day. I have Sacroillitis plus 3 chronic Sciatic paths.I swiched pharmacies & they gave me Endocet 10/325, generic for Percocet. I've been in withdrawal since yesterday. No sleep, pain unmanaged, cancelled my plans today cos I'm laid up with the shakes! Goosebumps, cramps! I took my reg med dose so why is this happening? This is a physiological reaction, not my imagination!

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