Eliquis And Shortness Of Breath (Page 4)
UpdatedMy boyfriend began taking Eliquis in March for AFIB. (He is 68.) Right away he wasn't himself. He gets short of breath dozens of times a day now when he didn't before. Even going upstairs is a problem. He needs to exercise because of his peripheral arterial disease, and he can't because he becomes so short of breath. He was walking for an hour and a half at a time. He gets short of breath so often that it scares him and me. The doctor said that Eliquis can't cause this. He wouldn't take him off of it, so my boyfriend continued to struggle. About three weeks ago my boyfriend had an epic nosebleed that we had to go to the E.R. for. In treating the nosebleed, they stopped his Eliquis. Lo and behold no more shortness of breath. When he had his follow up with the cardiologist a week later, he put him back on it despite what my boyfriend and I attempted to explain to him. He refused to listen and said it wasn't a side effect. He upped the dose of his metoprolol and sent him on his way. And almost immediately the shortness of breath was back and my boyfriend feels lousy again. Why don't doctors listen? Aren't they obligated to report these reactions? Maybe it other people are having the same reaction and their doctors aren't listening either because no one is writing it down.
I had the same symptoms. Dr didn’t want to believe. Did an angiogram to rule out my heart. I Dr well do you think it’s the Elequis he No I went back on it and same symptoms.
He sent me to a Pulmonologist who said only I know my body. I went back on Coumadin. No breathing problems.
Re: Sandy (# 57)
Go back to your Doctor now
Re: George (# 17)
I have been on Elquis for over 2 years. The side effects I had were joint pain and weight gain. I began having shortness of breath after a neck surgery. I can't blame it on the Elquis but I had my CBC done and I was so anemic. My Dr said I was running on fumes my iron was so low. Did she have her iron checked. Being anemic can cause shortness of breath and I have it bad. Please have her checked for this
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I couldn't have said it better.
Mary I would go get a second opinion. I see a hematologist for my blood thinner. I get blood clots after surgery so this is what works for me. I get joint pain and weight gain which isn't a symptom, but found out other people said the same thing. My hematologist listens and we have tried a couple different ones. I don't like any of them and have problems with all of them but I have no choice. Doctor's do not know everything, if he doesn't listen see another Doctor don't be afraid to offend him, it is his body and is quality of life. Hope he does this.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
E.iliquis at 5MG 2x a day makes me bleed but doc wont perform ablation If i cut back to 2.5 HELP!
Re: Suzie (# 3)
Glad I'm not the only one. I'm 74 and am starting to develop Afib, actually I've had it for several decades but it seems to affect me a lot more lately. So my doctor put me on 2 Eliquis 5mg tablets daily, plus a heart pill, Cardizem. Right away, I noticed extreme fatigue, shortness of breath and pressure in the top of my head. If I bend over, it increases the pressure greatly. My tinnitus kicked into overdrive and I can hardly sleep at night because of the breathing issues. I can barely get out of my own way, gardening has become a drudge and I tire immediately. I'm beginning to think that the cure is worse than the ailment!
Re: Jan (# 2)
I feel shortness of breath on Eliquis, as well, and have to be aware of taking deeper breaths. Not sure if related.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I have been on Eliquis for 6 years. Last summer I went into AFIB and cardioversion did not work. Dr put me on Diltiaz along with my Eliquis. In March I had a WAtchman filter put in my heart. Dr told me that it is possible I can stop the Eliquis in 6 months. I hope he is right. I am extremely tired all the time , cold and weak leg muscles.
Does any body else have the following symptoms after taking Eliquis? Shortness of breath, unbelievable fatigue, achiness, no appetite.
they believe what the drug companies tell them
do not have time to invetigate on their own
I had the same problems with Eliquis. I finally got the Dr to cut the dsage in half and the nosebleeds stopped. They kept insisting I take the stronger dose. I have macular degeneration and had bleeding behind my right eye, blood in my urine. I switched to the top cardio electrophysiologyst at Mass Gen in Boston and he installed a Watchman filter in my heart. I had to continue Eliquis for 4 more months and then I stopped. I now take a baby asperin every day. I am taking Diltiazam for my AFIB along with Lopressor. Diltiazam time release of 120 was too strong for me, so I asked if I coult take pills every six Hrs. This stipped the pain behing both eyes, day nose and throat and sores in my nose. It still makes me constipated and I get shortness of breath and weak feeling. The DR gave me 400 Magnesium. qne this helped the constipation. I began taking B2 Iron folic acis and CoQ 10. It helps me feel more energetic and I can do more. MY PC did blood tess and said I did not need iron and vitamins, but they make me feel better. I find I am super sencitive to generic drugs and if I take the brand name only they work better, Lopressor instead of Metroporel. I am goine to ask for Cardizam instead of Diltiazam and see if that helps. talk to your pharmacy. This posting sight has been most helpful, you find you are not alonr with these problems.
Metoprolol probably is the problem. It is a beta blocker and is noted for down modulating and causing lethargy. Why was the dose increased? I would not think the Eliquis is the problem. MD can change anti-coagulant therapy or reduce the Eliquis dose to address the bleeding.
I quit it sbout 6 weeks on so very tired no appetite back on warfarin
Get him to a cardioelectrphysiologist and have a Watchman filter installed in his heart. I had been on Eliquis from July of 2016 untill this past July. I had nosebleeds, blood in my uring and behing my right eye. I have maculardegeneration and it could have caused e to go blind. I had a regular cardiologist, who did not help much. I asked tp be put in 2.5 Eliquis and that helpped, but the doctor said it was not strong enough. I went into permanent Afib and looked around for a cardioelectrophysiologist. I found the est at Mass Gen in Boston. Had the Watchman put in and am now starting to feel norman. Shortness of breat is gon, starting to get my stamina back.
I have been on Eliquis for 2 weeks now due to a clot in my leg and 4 pulmonary embolisms. I have had shortness of breath ever since starting eliquis. Some days it is almost unnoticeable but others like today are pretty bad, especially when trying to sleep.
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