Effects Side Sangobion
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is it okay to take sangobion when your trying to get pregnant?

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I haven't had my periods for two months. I'm 20 years old and I'm single. Is it ok for me to take the sangobion tablet?

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I am already pregnant for 5 months when I take sangobion capsule as prescribed by my ob-gyne and I do not experience any side effects. However, at 7 months I have changed to mosvit multivitamins and still do not experience any side effects.

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is it okay to take sangobion tablet when trying to get pregnant?

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i took sangobion yesterday afternoon at around 4pm. at 5, i had a hearty meal. in the evening, i had a bad stomach. based on the feeling, there was gas in my upper abdomen and acid in my lower. i have never experienced this before. can sangobion have caused this? this was my first time on the mutivitamin.

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Sangobion is a nutritional supplement, it contains:

Cyanocobalamin, Folic Acid, Manganese, Copper, Pyridoxone, Biotin, Nicotinamide, Riboflavin Thiamine and Ferrous Gluconate.

Many doctors give nutritional supplements to women who are trying to get pregnant or who are pregnant, to ensure they are getting the proper amount of these vital nutrients.

What has your doctor advised?

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