Effects Of Cytotec After Six Times Of Usage
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i have used cytotec six times in the last 3 years, what side effect will it have on me when i et married and ready to have kids?

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Hi! I'm 20yrs old. I lost my v-card (virginity) about 5 months ago. My bf & I had intercourse less than 2 weeks ago. We noticed that the condom was broken afterwards, do I took a take-action pill 2days later (In less than 72hrs). Since the next day after, i started bleeding 'til today. It's started out with a tiby amount and as light as a creamy color (light brown...), then turned light pink, and now dark red and very heavy, whick to me is unusual. I'm worried bcz I'm not sure if that's is supposed to be my period or if it's an early pregnancy sign. Plz help me! I'm scared bcz I dont feel financially, physically, or even mentally ready for any children yet.

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my girlfriend is pregnent for 1 month. and we want to end this pregnancy. is their any option in which no use of any operation . or is their any medicine or natural way to abort the pragnancy. Please tell me i don't want to loose my girlfried. I love her so much.

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