Early Refill Dilaudid
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Husband has late stage Parkinson's and has chronic pain issues . Takes dilaudid. Prescribed 6times daily. Sometimes he needs more. He is 78 years old and I just want him comfortable the time he has left. I m his wife. I m 55. CVS after years of our business won't.fill his script 7 days early. What are my options? Its not that I'm some young woman seeking out drugs.

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Do not attempt to purchase any Dilaudid online. You will only lose money. I have tried numerous times and have been assured numerous times that it was legit; I was going to get it; etc... and got ripped off each and every time.

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Speak to his dr. Usually there is a terminal diagnosis code on the rx. The Laws are different for terminal and/or cancer patients that they are for those who aren't terminal and/or cancer.

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Hello, Mary! How are you? I'm very sorry that your husband is dealing with all of this.

You should speak to his doctor about changing the dosage or prescribing more, to avoid this issue with the pharmacy. If someone is dealing with a potentially fatal illness, then the doctor can prescribe more without issue, it is one of the exceptions that the DEA allows.

The FDA classifies this medication as being a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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monitor his pill intake better. there is not a pharmacy around that will do refills in 7 days earliest is 3 day .. too many attempts to refill early you will get reported as either a supplier or seeker and most places turn you in to the local police and get you pulled off meds for seeking is usually the suspicion.. Sorry with meds because of these kids these days there is no upside..

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