Drugs Dentists Use To Cause A Pos In Drug Test,,


i went to dentist,had some work done ,,and 2 days later went for drug test an tested positive for cocaine,,what did he use ,lli had a root canal done 3 wks before,and went in to do a crown,,,,i had a lot of pain he did inject me with a pain killer,,,what was it he could have used,,tryed to call him ,,but he went on vacation for 2 wks ,,pls advise..

2 Replies

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It was likely due to whatever type of dental anesthetic he used in the shots. The various ones from Novocaine to Lidocaine and etc. are all distantly related to Cocaine and have been known to cause false positives for it in some people.

Learn more Cocaine details here.

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thanks alot ,,i just tested pos ,,and they wont let e do tesat over ,,its ups ,,i never do drugs ,,im goin to loose my job over this,,,,pls ad vise

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