Dr. Who Can Prescribe Methadone (Page 6) (Top voted first)


I have just moved to Harrisburg, PA. I found a pain management clinic who will prescribe my methadone (I have been taking Methadone for pain management for 5-6 years), however they have asked that I find another doctor. I was told by pain management clinic that I am the only patient they prescribe methadone for. Does anyone know of a doctor in the Harrisburg, PA area that prescribes methadone for pain management?

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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did you have to jump through Hoops with questions about addiction? and will Hartman accept medicare?

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Have you thought about suboxone?

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Last post was for a reply not for the actual question in hand

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My sister has a severe genetic skin disorder and has found that Methadone works for her pain. She is currently on 10 30 mg of oxycodone a day and it doesn't work. So she would like to find a doctor in WI that will prescribe the methadone for pain. Does anyone know of any?

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Can anyone point me in the right direction for a methadone Dr. In Wichita ks? Not a clinic. Please if anyone knows it would be very appreciated.

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My buddy goes to a pain management clinic in the Limerick area (SE PA), ITS PART OF THE PMA GROUP. BEST of luck.

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And you call yourself a counsellor (it has two L's by the way). No decent, educated counsellor would EVER get on a forum and say anything like that. Yes, there are some people on this forum looking for the wrong things, but you obviously don't have a CLUE about addiction and all it's faces. Yes, when people are in active addiction they do the wrong thing and look for drugs. I would LOVE to know who your "boss" is (if you are actually employed that is) so they can see what your opinion is on people with addictions. That would be the same as me saying to you "I hope you get cancer" but gee, I'm too nice to say that. Best of luck to you.

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Kay I agree with you. I find it incredible that a "counsellor" got on this forum and said that. I question the credentials of this person. Probably a user themselves, trying to bignote their miserable existence by bringing others down.

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Ive been on morphine (180mg), 70mg of methadone and clonopine at various stages of my back pain treatment at the VA here in Wichita, Ks. Nothing they have tried has worked so I hit the streets. Someone had one Oxycodone Hydrothiazide 15mg tablet..I took half and it almost took all my back pain away..now all I need is the name of a Dr outside the VA who Will perscribe it for me. Ive suffered from this pain for almost 20 yrs without much relief..Please Help!!!??!!

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no the clinics in cleveland u have to go there every day, i did it for years and decided enuf was enuf, i actually kicked the methadone cold turkey, i felt s***ty for about a year, needless to say i returned to drugs and now im on the suboxone program,it saved my life and i recomend trying it, u dont get high but u feel normal

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the only reason to go every day is because you were taking other drugs. Within 12 months you get 1 week take homes so don't blame methadone for you're failure to continue the life of an addict

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Who can perscribe methadone in wichita ks besides tran or pain clinic?

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i cant beleave everyone is wanting methadone ..i am in pain everyday of my life ..and methadone along with some other drugs is something i would never take..

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You guys are all addicts. I hope you all suffer your drug withdrawls. I hope the republicans cut all those methadone programs. You guys got money for drugs but no money to feed your kids or pay the rent.
You all are what's wrong with America. Obama wants all of America to be like the methadone addicts. It controls all of your life. You would give up your right to vote and so on for your dose. Think long and hard about all of what you have done and where you are today.

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