Dr In Las Vegas Who Prescribe Oxycodone
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I know after some reading how stupid this sounds but I came to a town 80 mi.fro Las Vegas Nv.thinking I could go in with my Perscription bottles and send for Dr records and get my Perscriptions filled one of which is oxycodone 20 4× day. Well that didn't go well.The provider gave me 10 days worth but doesn't want to treat me as I am on pain medication as if I don't have other medical needs. I'm 63 yes old have never abused my Perscription but she doesn't know that. She referred me to a pain clinic in another state even farther away and I don't always have transportation as I don't drive and not sure if insurance will cover.well they won't take me even when I called with her refferal.She had to send my records which she doesn't have,though I've sent releases for,so can't get appointment and am running out of meds.Any suggestions?
3 Replies
Verwon (# 2) -yes. You are correct about ER not willing to help prescribe you medication. What I should have said was they have what I believe is called a counselor who can help direct you.
Unfortunately, many ERs will not help, if the only reason someone goes in is due to being out of their pain medications, because they've been on pain management. Most hospitals that I am aware of have signs explaining such, because people tend to abuse the system by jumping around to various ERs, just to get pain medications. I know this isn't helpful, overall, I am just wanting to warn Judi that they might not help, if she tries that. An ER isn't required to treat someone, or help them if they run out of medications, unless that person is in actual life-threatening anger. As long as your are stable, when you go in, they don't have to do anything.
Additionally, due to new DEA recommendations, most general practitioners will balk at prescribing controlled substances, unless their patient has intractable pain from certain possibly fatal conditions, such as stage 4 cancer.
While I understand that you have never abused your medications, Judi, there are far too many that have, and they have created a mess for people like you that genuinely need them to be comfortable and have a decent quality of life.
I do think looking into other pain clinics that might be closer to you would be a good idea. You might also want to try consulting other local doctors, they may be more receptive to helping you, or referring you to someone closer, if your insurance requires a referral. I know ours requires a referral for any type of specialist, except for those you are already an existing patient with, such as my cardiologist, it was fine for me to stay with him, when I got married and put on my husband's insurance, since I'd been going there for years. But, when my husband ran into new issues and had to see an ENT, he had to have a referral, since he'd not previously been to one. The surgery he required was a whole other adventure, as I'm sure you can imagine.
What other health issues are you diagnosed with?
Regarding that, it really makes no sense to me that the doctor wouldn't at least check those out and treat someone for them. It honestly seems like the doctor assumed you might be a drug seeker and just didn't want to risk dealing with you. I could be wrong, I am neither a doctor, nor a legal expert, but sometimes that happens if someone goes in asking to be prescribed any specific controlled substance.
As to the records, have you tried contacting your prior doctor and having them sent to the pain clinic directly from them? If the new doctor never got a copy of them, she can't contact your prior doctor to request they be sent to another doctor. Each given doctor can only request them for themselves. If she decided not to treat you, it is likely she never bothered to requisition them from your prior doctor.
The only suggestions I have are to Contact the Pain clinic referred to you and make sure your insurance is accepted. If not, ask their prices in hopes of being refunded if you have to come out of pocket. Next contact your previous doctor to obtain your records. If they still fail you, contact Clark County records and demand your records be sent to yourself or the new Doctor. I'd also look into any other Pain clinics near you just so you know. Maybe even find another doc who may be more compassionate/understanding. If you run out in the meantime, I'd go to the ER and explain your situation. They will help. Good luck and don't give up. Stay persistent
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