Doxycyline And Alcohol Interactions (Top voted first)


trying to find out what this medicineis used for and why it was prescription is used for

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I'm taking Doxycycl HYC 100mg twice a day (early in the morning and late at night). Can I drink Alcohol at all during the day? I'm on vacation at a resort this weekend, and want to have some fun. My date will feel bad if I don't drink with her, but I'm paying, so I'll just tell the bartender on the QT to make my drinks Virgin if I have too.

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Doxycycline is an antibiotic that's used to treat various types of infections.

Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

Learn more Doxycycline details here.

And drinking while taking it may enhance those side effects, so you may get more nauseous and dizzy than usual. So one drink might hit you the same as two or 3 drinks.

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Drinking Alcohol in moderation while taking doxycycline i don't think will hurt you. However, heavy use of alcohol will reduce the effectiveness of doxycycline, because it is eliminated more quickly from the body.

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