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it is a pain med from mexico???

54 Replies (3 Pages)

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From my experience of living in Mexico off and on for about 10 years, I had always heard that a large percentage of drugs such as the ones you named are counterfeit and that this is a revenue stream for some of the cartels. The best place for genuine drugs would be a mainstream retailer such as Walmart at their pharmacy. If you buy at the little farmacias that are on every corner, then you risk being ripped off.

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It is over the counter in Mexico, that is the only way I know how to get it good luck these work great

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Ergot is a fungus that attacks a grain, rye. It is psychedelic And may actually be LSD. LSD was produced in the search for a treatment for migraines.

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Hi,can I take Dorixina Forte?,I have ashma,higth blood preasure and a Pacemaker in my heard.

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I,m confused of reading a lot about dorixina tablets , dorixina forte, dorixina relax etc........ I wonder whether they have the same result for muscle pain , or pain killer, migraine, etc....... or each one has different ingredients for different pain!!!!!! I have been having muscle pain along the waist and muscle pain at shoulder . Been taking plenica, zaldiar for 3months for no result. is dorixina relax good enough for such pain ?
Please reply

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Re: DragonLord49 (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I'm taking it for pain and find it not only eliminates the pain, but I sleep uninterrupted.

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These are the same people that get relief from a sugar pill.
Some people get relief from Tylenol.
I don’t understand it but I wish I was made that way.
30 mg of oxycodone is what I have to take for pain relief and I have always been this way.
5mg of Percocet has never worked but I noticed if I take 20mg or more I start to get relief.
I can stop taking it and don’t notice withdraws either. Also, you don’t have to increase your dosage like the doctors say you will. I’ve been 20 years with problems from broken back and it took along time to figure out what does and doesn’t work.
Also, I see all this advice from people not in pain. Shut TFUP. I could care less what laws are protecting big pharm when I’m hurting. You have to take care of yourself first. Period.
Doctors are told what to do. If you can find one that can actually think for themselves hold on to that doctor. They are rare.

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Re: Sand67 (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

You said everything so perfect!!! The government doesn't want anyone in relief anymore. It's just ridiculous!!

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Re: Sand67 (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

Worked with a woman legal secretary once who had a back brace, spinal surgeries from a life altering car accident in Chicago. She could either take pills or lay in bed screaming--heaven forbid she get addicted, her life would be 'miserable'--what a joke! Everyone in office felt bad for her when her doctor decided she no longer needed relief. She was desperate & several people in the office went to doctor to get prescriptions for her. It was obviously done on downlow & lawyers would give bonuses to those of us willing to do it & free legal help of needed. Point is that she could ONLY function on opiates. Her choices were couldn't get out of bed in pain or working & being productive.

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Re: June (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

I was given a sample box with 2 tablets in it after a root canal.
Do you know why it says on the box 125 mg/25 mg?

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Re: manny1975 (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Manny I take for Migraine too. Usually a 250 pill will do. But today its not working. I'm trying to find out if I can take another and just general dosage instructions

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I just returned from the Dominican Republic and was given Dorixina Migra for my cluster headache attacks in combination with Zyrtec-D and it stopped the clusters and they havent returned while on this medicine. I need to know if it is available in Canada as I have one day supply left and scared to death to get the clusters back.

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I just got this drug, but not for pain!!!!!! to help me sleep, which has done neither ore. I dont thik i like it, and dont recommened it to anyone else!

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u r not a doctor ., u r a dentist

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