Dorixina (Page 2) (Top voted first)


it is a pain med from mexico???

54 Replies (3 Pages)

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Once again, Dorixina Relax has a Benzodiazapine type (like Valium) in it. I will help you sleep. Dorixina Fast is fast and you have to have something in your stomach, a wash it down with water to avoid acid in the esophagus pain.

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I accidentally poured boiling water on my hand in Cabo two weeks ago. The pain was unbearable. When I went to the Dr. He gave me an IV of clonixinato and the pain slowly went down to a slight burning. I could. It believe how well this worked and no side effects. I did not feel a high or nauseated feeling. I was very glad to learn that it is not a codeine based medication.

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I find it interesting that in a recent trip to Mexico I went to a pharmacia. Cialis, Viagra, Diazepam, Dorixma, and an assortments of muscle relaxants and supposed pain killers were out in clear view, available over-the-counter, and so on. I have severe pain and muscle related issues in many areas of my body. So, naturally I purchased some of these medications, and much to my disappointment having tried several of them, they had no effective relief whatsoever. I feel taken, cheated, mislead (lied to). The pharmacies, in my view based on first hand experience, are fraudulent. To claim active ingredients (eg; diazepam) which is not evident in the pills they pass off as true, is in my opinion a shameful act, and have no concern for patients with genuine medical issues. Take heed!

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Re: giuseppe (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

He takes two tablets at once? And for how long?

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Please be aware that ALL drugs, no matter what they are, have some side effects, so there is no chance that this one has NONE!

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Do u remember which one u took? Relax or fast? My husband has the same issues like u w his keg. :(

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i'm bad minton,for the last time i played 2days.when i wake up in he morning my kne and my left leg paining.swelling.after 7adys i go for xray and doctor told me that i have OSTEOATHRITIS.SO MY question is can i take this dorixina tablet?is this fro pain killer only?

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My doctor advise to take Dorixina to stop my tip toes pain i thing it is a grate medicine to stop the pain.

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I was given a prescription for Loxonin by Dentist in Mexico but the pharmacy didn,t have it so they substituted Dorixina. I have no idea how much I am supposed to take.

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I had dental work done in Mexico last year got two boxes of Dorixina I only used one tablet for the pain. I was given two boxes. Had carpal tunnel surgery today and a friend reminded me I had them left over. Glad she did took the pain away better than the vicodine the doctor gave me

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No only in Mexico I can ship some if you need it.

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I've suffering from.tension headache for the last 3 months.I would ask if dorixina is an effective long term treatment or it only releives pain for few hours?

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In Mexico, it's used commonly.

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The name in English is Clonixinate Lysine and it does have some side effects

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It help me with my anxiarity and I rest very good. This staff is good and inexpensive

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Well this was comforting since i was so afraid to take it...
Thank you ...

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It's also available in Peru... 125mg, my gf got it for nerve pain treatment...

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It doesn't make people sleepy. That is not what it's for.

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I have taken Dorixina many times for dental work and dental surgery. In my opinion it is a wonder drug for pain. I have also given it to my husband while we were traveling for kidney stone pain which is very severe. It saved an emergency room visit as he was able to pass the stone because the pain was controlled. We go to Mexico every winter and I buy at least three boxes to take home. Any more than that might cause trouble at the border check.

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my son gets those migrines clusters and takes 2 pills with coca cola those pills work great we just cant get them here in the states we get them dominican republic

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