Does Taking Addeall Give Energy
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1 am 72 yrs old and have always had lots is energy. Few years ago I found myself dragging with no energy to do much. I've been using amphetamine salts 15 mg a day and now am back to my old self. Is raking this pill bad for me?

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yes on other meds & a very good doctor prescribed it for me. Other meds foe high blood pressure & one for sleep. On the one for sleep I am being reduced to lowest dose for about four weeks. Doing fine with that. Recently moved to another state and having a horrible time finding a doc to take care of me. I've seen three and they all say my doctor in the past is not prescribing right...Think I've finally found one who will listen. Will see him Monday. Thank you for your reply to me.

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Hello, Lynn! How are you?

Has your doctor prescribed it for you?

If so, you should take it according to their prescribing instructions.

However, the U.S. FDA does warn that it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia and anorexia.

Are you on any other medications?

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