Does Raglan Help Breast Milk Prodution Come/quanit (Top voted first)


a friend told me it would help my milk come more than it is

3 Replies

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I'm taking this right now and it is 20mg per day to help my breastfeeding and it is working very well and i also don't have any side affects that i notice from taking it.

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YIPES!! Some of the Side Effects of Reglan can be LIFELONG facial tics, twiches, uncontrolled mouth movements and other very problematic socially embarrassing body movements.

Even if it does help your milk come in better, taking reglan for this purpose would NOT be worth the risk. And you could expose your baby to this drug with unknown effects.

Reglan DOES have a black box warning for these devastating Side Effects called Tardive Dyskinesia. Don't risk these horrible and lifelong side effects.

Kerri Knox, RN
San Francisco, CA, United States

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THank you Kerri for that info. I was considering Reglan but now I think I'll work on finding an alternative.

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