Does Percocet Show Up As Oxycodone In A Urine Test
UpdatedMy husband took 30 mg of oxycodone. Is that the same as a oxycodone 5-325mg or will it come out different in a urine test? Will that be a problem for his pain management?
6 Replies
Hi I'm wondering if it was the same or not. What was the outcome?
Oxycodone 30s and oxycodone 5 325 test the same. Either test as opiate or oxycodone on a more detailed test. Just stronger milagram without the cut in it.
No and yes. Yes percocet and oxycodone are the same thing. Exact same thing!!!! Not sure name brand "Percocet" exists anymore but oxycodone is today's percocet. No on the milligram comparison. A 30mg is 30mg. When you see 5/325, the 1st number is the mg of oxycodone. 2nd number is 325mg of Acetaminophen (tylenol). These are facts!!! Been on the stuff for over 20yrs. I have a bad back, neck, shoulders, carpal tunnel, joints & arthritis. It's a b****!!! I'm medically addicted but wouldn't have it any other way. It makes me move and be happy and very active throughout my day. It's changed my life and my 11yr old daughter's life for the better. Four 30mg oxycodone (percocet) per day and 2 40mg oxymorphone Er (extended release). 50yr old, active and happy!!! Without it I won't get out of bed and don't want to do anything!!!! Everything HURTS!!!!
Does percocet show up as opiates or oxycodone on a drug screen? I need to know how drug screens work through child protective services in the state of Indiana? Can u tell me?
Maybe you can help me. I am on oxymorphone and Dilaudid for pain but I'm also on a methadone program and for some reason my swabs have been coming back negative for everything but the methadone and they believe I am selling my meds which is wrong. I wouldn't even be able to stand up without my meds. I'd be hunched over and in agony with every step I take. Yet when I am at pain management they use urine to test and there is never a problem there. The only difference is one Methadone Program refuses to give a urine. Of course I am on many other meds and have many other medical conditions as well as exceedingly dry mouth (actually desert mouth) and must continually suck on some type of lubricant like Biotene or Wintergreen mints or whatever and on the swabs I have never had that blue line completely go across the indicator that the test is complete, because the taste of the swabs makes me gag and it causes bile to reflux into my mouth. I doubt the drugs are out of my system but I do drink plenty of water because of the dry mouth and at 61 years old urinate quite frequently, probably every hour or so except at night when I am able to get to two three hours sleep at a time depending upon how much I drink before going to sleep. Any ideas as to why one test comes back negative for two other three drugs and the other one comes back positive for all three?
The difference between the two substances and that one contains aspirin or Tylenol I forgot which and the other does not but the pain medication is in fact the same both will show up as the same opiate in any type of drug test
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