Does Herion Show Up As An Opiate On A Drug Test (Top voted first)


I'm prescribed oxy 30s but was out and took maybe the amount of a oxy30 but it was heroin. I've never used before but have to take drug test today and I took it last night will it still come out as a opiate?

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a 10 panel test will tell if it is duiladid/morphine, or hydros, or oxycontin/oxycodone/percocet/roxicet, i believe heroin will fall into the oxy-opiate zone but if not it will be in the hydromorph-opiate zone ......but im not sure which

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I had a drug test at my pain management Dr.'s office and I had been taking oxycontin 80mg and it just came up as oxycodone and I had been prescribed Percocet from this same Dr. About a year ago. I said I found some old ones and took them. He was still mad and discharged me from his care after being a patient for almost 5 years. These Dr.'s are not playing ppl.

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I go to my sub Dr. And had to miss a couple of appointments due to a recent surgery I had, and I also hag complications from that top that off....I Was perdcibred perk 50 perc 10s. But we had one he'll of s s time filling them
...either cuz the pharmacy new I was on text, or they didn't have enough to fill them.....which I think is crap....long story short, I have used a bit of h here and there, they finally did fill the p10s so I'm t thinking....hoping that the h comes up as an opiate....what do u guys think

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No no no heroin will show up as an opiate clear and simple. Oxy might show as morphine depending on the test kit but I have been on oxy and unless it tests for Oxy it won't show up and won't show as an opiate or the same family as heroin. Furthermore if there was any confusion if sent to the lab then they would say it's this for sure. If your taking smack it's out your system in 2 days - 3 days max but depending on use but please don't try and lie as you may get punished ( trust me it's happened to me )

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Did u get an answer to this question? I am in the same boat as u and was wondering what the answer was to ur question

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