Does Dilaudid Show Up As Morphine On A Drug Test


Dilauded DOES NOT show up on a urine test. I've passed EVERY time. It does not break down into morphine.

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It shows up if they are testing for hydromorphone.

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Does it show up on a 10 panel? I've heard that the hydrocodones I take every so often could create a + result? Mine was a send out. Flipped out this could happen to me!

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So if I took dilaudid but have a script for hydrocodone will I pass my mouth swab

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I took bunch of dilaudid and i did not give a dirty urine for opiates, so I don't know why people are saying it shows up when it does not...

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Because they're not testing for it specifically

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dilaudid is hydromorphone in the morphone or morphine family , Hydrocodone is viccodin or codone from the codine family . they are all metabolized differently in your body and will show up as different drugs . Morphine ( morphine sulphate ) and (hydromorphone) dilaudid can show up the same because they metabolize the same in your blood as morphine in a urine test . but a more extensive test like a mouth swab or blood can show the difference even between those 2 drugs specifically . the key is you need at least 3 to 5 days for those drugs to leave your body so dont do illegal drugs for a week before your appt . weed though stays for a month at least because its fat soluble .

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I had two probation drug test and it shows ad an opiate

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I took some dilaudid and did a home drug test and failed for opiates

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It is a good idea 2 just not do it at all if u know u have a test coming up....cuz reading some of the replys yall gone b late an in pain or jail....js

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