Does Cialis Dosage Ever Need To Be Increased


I have been on Cialis daily 5mg mainly for BPH for about two (2) months and it has definitely helped. I have also enjoyed the added bonus of assisting me with ED. The past few weeks, the ED benefits seem to have lessened. A bit of backstory: I am 69 and have only one testicle, one removed five (5) years ago due to severe prostate infection which "ate through" part of the testicle and causing severe, chronic pain. As a result of this, I have been getting ten (10) of the TESTOPEL pellets inserted in my backside every three (3) months. I LITERALLY am a different man as the time approaches for the implantation to be done i.e., much-reduced energy, depression, libido and general mood. Has anyone had experience where the daily 5mg Cialis is not as effective after a period of time. I would appreciate any ideas, thoughts, experiences and/or suggestions with this matter. Thank you, in advance, for your time.

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Hello, Bob! How are you? I'm sorry about the problems that you're having.

It is normal for your body to grow tolerant to any medication that you take regularly for awhile, sometimes it may take years to happen, but sometimes it can happen pretty fast.

Cialis is listed by the FDA as being used to treat ED and its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, runny nose and priapism.

However, where are you in your Testopel schedule? If you're close to needing them replaced, then that may also be contributing to the problem.

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Hi Verwon -- we've corresponded before, I believe. Thanx for taking the time to respond to my query. No ....wish I could say I was DUE to receive my TESTOPEL pellets implant, but I did so just three (3) weeks ago. I'm not complaining, really, 'though it probably sounded like it. As long as I benefit with the BPH ailments, I am glad. I can still 'perform', but I have just noticed the improvement that I initially experienced re: libido/stamina/ease during intercourse is not as prominent as it was at first. Thanx again.

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